Solved Commands aren't working.

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by OTF Catastrophe, Jan 25, 2017.

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    OTF Catastrophe

    I'm in the process of making a simple repair plugin and I've run into a strange issue. When I run a command that comes from my plugin, nothing happens.What I mean by nothing happens is, I don't receive any messages even with my test command and console doesn't have any errors when I run a command. I removed Essentials because they have a /fix command and even then nothing in the plugin works. The plugin is 1.10 and the server is 1.10 and I believe all my code should be correct for what I have so far. I know that my commands are registered in the plugin.yml and I'm getting no errors in console. Can anyone tell me what's wrong?


    plugin.yml (open)

    name: RepairDelay
    author: _Apathy
    main: com.sirapathy.repairdelay.Main
    version: 1.0
        default: op
        description: Fix items within your inventory.
        default: op
        description: Give a player access to the main fix command.
        default: op
        description: Give a player access to repair all items in inventory.
        default: op
        description: Bypass the cost of repairing items.
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    Have you added your command to the plugin.yml as well as instantiated it in onEnable?
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

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    @OTF Catastrophe

    Have you tried reading what the log says? You have a NullPointerException in

    Try reading instead of just posting here.
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    OTF Catastrophe

    Okay first off, in a help section you shouldn't be condescending in your comments. If you read the actual error, it states that the issue with PlayerListener is in a parkour plugin. Not my repair plugin. So please, try reading instead of commenting.

    @timtower I had just noticed the log said that it was disabled because I didn't have Vault. I realized that I didn't put Vault as a dependency in my plugin.yml and that could possibly be the issue. I'll try that and see if it works :)
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    @OTF Catastrophe

    How are we supposed to know they are different plugins?

    Putting it as a dependency means the plugin will be disabled.

    The only reason I was condescending is because you have been very rude to me and other forum members in the past.
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    OTF Catastrophe

    I stated in the op that it was a repair plugin, and the name in the plugin.yml is RepairDelay. That's how you would know it's not the same plugin.

    I believe Vault asks you to put it as a dependency that's why my plugin disables itself, because I have a method that checks if vault is in the server like it asks you to add.

    I have no recollection of ever being rude to you or any other members, if you can provide proof of that I would definitely like to see it. EDIT: I'd just like to add, if I have ever been rude to you I am sorry. But I don't know if you have someone mixed up with me because I don't act rude towards people unless they're rude to me.

    EDIT: I changed the plugin.yml to have Vault as a dependency and in my onEnable I removed the check for economy not being null and just changed it to "setupEconomy();".

    Issue resolved :)
    Last edited: Jan 26, 2017
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