Solved Sounds without Ressouce pack

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Lord_grafnus, Jan 3, 2017.

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    Hey guys,
    I'm trieing to create an minigames plugin but I need some custom sounds. But I have no idea how to set up my own Ressource Pack or how to modify an already existing.
    I found an Plugin with is able to do exacly this. It's called CustomMusic. So please don't tell me it's not possible.

    I'm hopeful that you can help me.
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    There's no way to add custom sounds without resource packs. The "CustomMusic" probably uses existing sounds to "create" new ones.
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    You can look at my Music plugin if you need an example of how to set-up resource packs. You can find a test resourcepack here:

    All you need to do is add the sounds to the sounds file and edit the sounds.yml so that it contains the paths and names for all the sounds you want to add.
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    No that is the point! It must be possible because you put music in an music file in the from the plugin generated plugin folder. And than you can play every musik you want. You just have to add it to the file.

    Nice thank you. Maybe I will use it if nobody else have an Idea :/
  5. Offline


    Can you post a link to the plugin? Maybe I can figure out what they did to achieve that.
    ipodtouch0218 likes this.
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    It probably uses note blocks to produce a song, not adding actual sounds. It's not possible server-side without a resource pack.

    If you want to go the NoteBlock route to get songs, first create a .nbs file using Minecraft NoteBlock Studio. Then, use NoteBlockAPI to play the songs when you need them to be played.
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  8. @Lord_grafnus Well that requires a client and things, a lot of work for sounds and music. You could always just have servers use a Discord server or something and use a music bot (Shameful plug) FlareBot is a good one
    ipodtouch0218 likes this.
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    That is a web client. That requires the player to have a web browser open while playing minecraft. Although it can be done, you would have to build your own website and write all the HTML and JavaScript code needed to stream music (which will be a lot of work).

    Unless you have a channel for each player, all the players on discord will have to hear the same thing all at the same time. This may be what he wants, but I am not sure (since the plugin he linked me to does have location-specific sounds).
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    the plugin MCJukebox has an API and you just give it URLs to mp3s and it can play them in a web browser. that way you don't have to deal with building your own website or any of that crap.
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    @all of you
    Thanks for the multiple replys. I think the best and easyest way for me is to create an Rexturepack so I will watch some yt to get it ;D
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    Also, @all does not work. You will have to include our names in order for us to be notified.
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