Question V-Server Console via PuTTY without restart?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by FettnapfFee, Dec 23, 2016.

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  1. Okay, so i realy would love to find a solution for this.
    I have this Minecraft Bukkit 1.8.8 on a Linux V-Server. Im Manage it with PuTTY to start and stop it and FileZilla for the hole rest file upload, download, edit... stuff.
    But my problem is to enter to console on it. Well, i can enter it, but then i will need to restart my server with the PuTTY console so it goes from the minecraft folder and turns into the Server console. But as soon as i close the PuTTY i cant enter the console again until i start the server with it again.

    For start and stop i have 2 files. A "" and a "" in the minecraft folder. So i guess i need some kind of "" in that folder or some kind of session saver for PuTTY?
    If it any helps: code:
    screen -S minecraft java -Xms3072M -Xmx3072M -jar craftbukkit.jar code:
    screen -r minecraft -X quit

    Just to mention it, its my first time using something with Linux and im very new to this V-Server stuff. Also my programming is not given. I can set plugins and understand even complicated onces easy, but thats all.
    Also sorry for my bad english, im nativ a german.

    Thanks for every help - or try.

    EDIT: Sorry, i should have use search first, but after google did not got me any answer i didnt tought the forum search would. I now have my answer.

    For everyone having the same issue:
    Login in into your PuTTY and go to into your minecraft folder as always.
    Then type in "screen -r minecraft" and your back into your server console.
    Last edited: Dec 23, 2016
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