
Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by reopkopres, Nov 30, 2016.

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    Plugin category: admin tolls

    Minecraft version: 1.8

    Suggested name: Staffmode or somthing like it

    What I want: I want a plugin to makes so my staff can do 1 command and they will be in vanish of the staff server list ingame for normal players and change there inventory so they gat a few items that can help them to be good admins and mods. for exemple: a book so they can see the person they click on inventory, a ice block that freezes the person the click on, a slime ball that can teleport u to random people on the server, a player head so they can get the the /whois command in the person the click and a blaze rod that have a punishment command that brings up a gui so they can easy fine the type of hack or rule broken and pre set time and text for the ban.

    Ideas for commands: /sm or /staffmode and /staffmodereload

    Ideas for permissions: staffmode.use and staffmode.reload

    When I'd like it by: Yesterday. :p aka. as fast as you can make it.
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    I can go at it. You're going to have to be a little more specific about how you want it done, though. What parts of the plugin do you want to be configurable? Stuff like that.

    You want people with a specific permission to be able to type a command which will toggle StaffMode on or off for them.

    Staff mode swaps out their normal inventory for staff tools, which will then be swapped back after toggling it back off.

    The items that make up the tools will be configurable, as well as the names of the items.

    For the banning item, it will open an inventory of a configurable number of items, and when you click one, it will kick, or ban the player for a configurable amount of time?

    I'm also going to need to know EXACTLY what version of Minecraft you want this for. It's being written for 1.11 right now. Let me know if it needs to actually be written for 1.8 and I'll downgrade it.


    Plugin's done.

    Plugin will be available here when it is approved.
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2016
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    Hey man thx fro that i downloaded it and it looks like somthing dident work right. there is nothing in the fils in the staffmode folder. i guess this is a bug or somthing. can you look in to it
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 15, 2016
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    That isn't a bug, it was intentionally. He doesn't know what to make configurable.
    Read the whole post before saying something doesn't work.
    Last edited by a moderator: Dec 15, 2016
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    @reopkopres You should totally make an issue here. Make sure when you paste a console error in, you click the button on the very right to insert a code block! By the way, since you hadn't responded, I went ahead and compiled it against Bukkit 1.11, so people using 1.11 would be able to use it.
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    Hey. what i want is when i do /sm or /staffmode my inventory is cleared and it gives me the item i need, and if i do /sm agean i get my inventory back. u need a permissions to get staff mode but when you got it all is open ban and freez and all. I wand the punish pre sets to be configurbal. the punish item will open a inventory where you choose kick, temp-ban or ban and the the set reasones
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    This is what i want just drop the follow and the lunch. use the commpas as the punish tool then this wude be just the thing im looking for.
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