Random Chest Spawn/Drop plugin needed.

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by sammyweird, Nov 20, 2016.

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    I need a plugin that randomly spawns a "prize chest" every x amount of time at random but SAFE coordinates. Basically it will say something like in chat "A prize chest has been spawned at X Y Z! Come find it!" and once the player gets it, no one else can get that prize.

    Is there already a plugin like this? Or can someone make it?

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    I can make this plugin for you if you're a bit more specific about what constitutes "safe", and how to specify the contents of the chest.
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    This would be the first time I'm creating such a plugin BUT I think I can do this one. I just need to know a few things. First:

    Just a chest? What if the players took the loot from it? What is the prize?


    • I'm thinking of a command which allows you to set the starting point which will be used later.
    • Use of a config where the max radius is defined around your starting point.
    • After looting the chest, remove itself?

    These are just some ideas. This will be challenge but I think it's a fun project.
    Let me know

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    I've made the plugin.

    The plugin allows you to set a time interval between chest generations, configure chest contents, and set a list of worlds that the plugin will be active in. It also lets you set an area that chests will be generated in, using a minimum and maximum set of X, Y, and Z coordinates.

    ChestSpawn currently has one command, /chestspawn, which only needs one permission to use, chestspawn.admin. Here's a list of the command's options:
    /chestspawn start - Starts the ChestSpawn generation clock, with the configured interval.
    /chestspawn stop - Stops the ChestSpawn generation clock.
    /chestspawn reload - Reloads any changes made to the configuration file.

    Instructions for configuration can be found in the config.yml, which will be generated when you run the plugin for the first time.

    Best of the luck with the plugin, hope you enjoy it! Contact me ASAP if there are any bugs/features you need added, so I can implement fixes and patches.
    MrGeneralQ likes this.
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    I've made something like this, it was like an airdrop, you would throw an item (Configurable), and it would shoot fireworks up into the air at the location, and broadcast to the entire server that there will be an airdrop at coords in xMins xSecs (Configurable), and it would spawn a (configurable) number of chests within a (configurable) radius containing (configurable) items with a (configurable) chance of spawning in the chests, and it would guarantee that the chests would not spawn in the air, over water, in water, lava, in trees, on trees, etc.
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