Steam Generator?

Discussion in 'Archived: Plugin Requests' started by chernobyl360, Jan 27, 2011.

  1. Offline


    Im not sure if its possible or requires a client mod. but i was wondering about a Steam Generator. maybe a setup of

    /-------Front: -------- /--------- Side: -------- /
    Stone Stone Stone / Stone Stone Stone--- /
    Stone Water Stone / Slab Water Stone /
    Stone Stone Stone / Stone DiamondBlock Stone /
    Stone Lava Stone / Slab lava Stone /
    Stone Stone Stone / Stone Stone Stone /

    Then Coming out the back, redstone wires to all of the surrounding flares.

    But With the Water maybe make it disappear every few hours in game, so that we have to replenish it. Or Maybe Every Other in game day make the redstone wire break or short out.
  2. Offline


    That sounds like a really cool idea, and I'm sure you could write a plugin to do it.
  3. Offline


    i would like a developer to see this. maybe this could be done...
  4. Offline


    I'll look into it this weekend, though more specifics, is this supposed to generate a redstone clock (if so, programmable timer based on a sign?) or actually move something like a real steam engine (which can be done server side though not pretty, look at MoeCraft)?
  5. Offline


    like a real steam engine. just put water on top of the lava and push a button to create power.
  6. Offline


    I love the idea of this. If I ever get time I'll try :)
    superbomb17 likes this.
  7. Offline


    cool :D
    --- merged: Jan 28, 2011 11:39 PM ---
    im gonna need that generator look....

    --- merged: Jan 28, 2011 11:41 PM ---
    Thats a 1/2 scale of Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant lol! been working on this all day. so far the basic structure. then outfit it. gonna put the 4 *RBMK1000* in it. then hopefully with this plugin idea i can have a fully running Chernobyl Again :D :D
    --- merged: Jan 28, 2011 11:53 PM ---
    --- merged: Jan 29, 2011 12:23 AM ---
    Chernobyl NPP
    --- merged: Jan 30, 2011 7:14 PM ---
    Bump. Any News about creating this?
  8. Offline


    Seems like you could do this by changing how a Furnace works. Waterbucket on the top, something to burn on the bottom, redstone running from it. I have no idea whether bukkit would let one recognize when certain items are in a furnace, though.
  9. Offline


    This is a great idea, I'm going to start working on a "machines" plugin now.

    From what I understand, you want it to give a positive on a redstone wire while water is contained within it?
  10. Offline


    yep. basically a positive power being transmitted out. But im gonna *try* and work on a redstone plugin to maybe see if can make redstone travel for an unlimited distance...... but with your plugin i wonder if it can be possible to make the generators custom in size to generate more power..... cuase those pictures of my *chernobyl 1/2 scale* i have put in 4 reactor cores. and i was gonna fill the bottom half with lava and then the center would be diamond. and the top half would be water. then coming out the bottom of the reactors would be redstone. to power lines i will run throughout my map...... then if yout think about it. with some of the economy plugins i could have the dev alter them so i can charge people for using the power :D :D :D... but this sounds like quite a bit of work......
    superbomb17 likes this.
  11. Offline


    Did this die? :(
  12. Offline


    nope its currently in development. :D
  13. Offline


    Well heres another idea of the generator :D

    My Idea Of Steam Power in minecraft would Consist of a "furnace" , A Water Source, and some type of Heat.

    For Heat it could either work with

    -Wood/Log *birch,Redwood,Pine*

    The DiaGram:


    The Steam Generator Setup:

    For the water to dissipate it would have an *PlayerPlace_event* which would equal a *onBlock_event* meaning it would be like stopping a stream by placing a block in front of it.Where Im Getting at is with using water in the Furnace it would technically be removed after a set time. to be precise water has TWO movements *Still* & *Moving* water.

    So If you go and make your own SMP server and type in
    /give playername 8 1  
    it would give that person *moving* water.

    Now If you Do This​

    /give playername 9 1
    it would hand a player *Still* or NON flowing water. The Non Flowing Water Relates to The Idea of Putting a block in front of the stream. *It Would Cut Off The Power* or the *Flow/Current*

    To Get Even More Techy:

    This excerpt was Taken From A Website **

    So With Minecraft Water Evaporation you would need to follow this but *convert* it down to a lower ammount of days.

    So a Bukkit of water is maybe a gallon.

    you would do this:

    Deep= 1 foot *rough Guess*
    Diameter= 8" *rough Guess*

    Volume = 3.14*r2*h
    3.14 x 4"2 x 1' = 602.88" Squared OR 3,889.540608cm2

    It would Take a Bukkit of water 162 days to evaporate. But this is only in Room Temp Water!

    Boiling Water Temp is 100c aka Celcius :p

    if the water gets hotter the humidity will lower and it will evap quicker! so for a rough guess it would take about
    115-120 days for *Boiling Water* to evaporate....

    So to be honest for this to work....

    Minecraft Coal only lasts for 80s EACH!

    sooo it would be this

    theres only 86,400 seconds in a day.
    86,400 times .80= 69,120 PIECES OF COAL PER DAY!

    Now Do This

    69,120 x 117 = 8,087,040PIECES OF COAL TO FINISH ONE BUKKIT

    Ok If your Still Awake now.... lets convert this to MINECRAFT TERMS!

    one minecraft day is 20 min and theres 60 min in one hour and 24 hours in a day.


    one real day is 1440min divided by 20 min for minecraft day = 72 days in one minecraft day

    Now take 117 real days and times 72 to get 8,424 days of minecraft time to finish ONE Bukkit....

    So After all This You Would certainly as hell need to convert this down lol. Pretty much this 8,424 days would be like using a Nuclear Core! which you can use already :p. some one was epic enough to make a nuke mod :D
  14. Offline


    I cannot wait for this mod, (or could not find it as not sure the name it is under)
    I really would like the furnace based generator.
    Can you make the water replacement optional? and can it be just a bucket of water?
    Could you make it so when water is in the raw slot it can uses a configurable time for how long the fuel lasts?

    I am working to build a steam punk server and would like to require all red-stone circuits to have a generator and it needs to be running to for the circuit to work.
    I would hope this could be combined with the dwarven forge mod (or include the functionality) to make some perm generators also.

    And eventually the economy thing would be nice addition too.
  15. Offline


    i'd love to have that!

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