Solved Avoid take items

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by xelatercero, Nov 24, 2016.

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    i have a block called collector thatt when is placed collect the items and put into a chest in a 10 block range, but if there are another collector in the range of another collector, when item is droped is duplicated in the chest because, the 2 collector take the item, my question is how i can avoid this?

    Bukkit.getScheduler().scheduleSyncRepeatingTask(Main.instance, new Runnable() {
    void run() {
    main.getCollectorConfig().contains("CollectorWorld." "collectors")) {
    String key main.getCollectorConfig().getConfigurationSection("CollectorWorld." "collectors").getKeys(false)) {
    main.getCollectorConfig().get("CollectorWorld." "collectors." key) != null) {
    World world Bukkit.getWorld(main.getCollectorConfig().getString("CollectorWorld." "collectors." key ""));
    int x main.getCollectorConfig().getInt("CollectorWorld." "collectors." key ".location.x");
    int y main.getCollectorConfig().getInt("CollectorWorld." "collectors." key ".location.y");
    int z main.getCollectorConfig().getInt("CollectorWorld." "collectors." key ".location.z");
    Location loc = new Location(worldxyz);
    Block bl world.getBlockAt(loc);
    bl != null) {
    bl.getType() == Material.DIAMOND_BLOCK) {
    Collection<Entityents world.getNearbyEntities(bl.getLocation(), 101010);
    Entity ent ents) {
    ent instanceof Item) {
    ItemStack item = ((Itement).getItemStack();
    main.getCollectorConfig().contains("CollectorWorld." "collectors." key "")) //here i chek if there are a chest location by checking if exist a key called world {
    World world2 Bukkit.getWorld(main.getCollectorConfig().getString("CollectorWorld." "collectors." key ""));
    int x2 main.getCollectorConfig().getInt("CollectorWorld." "collectors." key ".atribbs.linked-chest.x");
    int y2 main.getCollectorConfig().getInt("CollectorWorld." "collectors." key ".atribbs.linked-chest.y");
    int z2 main.getCollectorConfig().getInt("CollectorWorld." "collectors." key ".atribbs.linked-chest.z");
    Location locChest = new Location(world2x2y2z2);
    locChest.getBlock().getType() == Material.CHEST) {
    Chest ch = (ChestlocChest.getBlock().getState();
                                                     } else {
                        } else return;
  2. Offline



    You could store the location of the collector chests, listen on the BlockPlaceEvent, and if a player places a collector block within a 10 block radius of a chest, cancel the BlockPlaceEvent and send a message.

    Alternatively, a more complex solution could be mapping players with chests in a HashMap and only allowing players to store their "collected" items in their respective chests, given that they are within a 10 block radius. This would be a simple if statement in your code:
    if (map.get(<reference to player object>).getBlockX() == locChest.getBlockX() && ...)
    If you don't want to use HashMaps, you can also use Metadata to achieve the same result with the chests
    xelatercero likes this.
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    If you remove the item, the entity instance should be considered invalid. Make sure the item is not invalid before storing the item.
    xelatercero likes this.
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    Last edited: Nov 25, 2016
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    After the instanceof Item, make another check to see if the Item is valid. It has a method for this.
  6. Offline


    @Lordloss and what is the clue to check if is valid, what returns? , no better question what is cheking? works great.
  7. Offline


    The clue is, it wont add the item if it is allready removed by your plugin. That was your problem, i dont really get your question.
  8. Offline


    Are you asking for the method to use? The method Item#isValid() returns whether the item has been removed that tick. simply make sure the item is valid before adding the item to the inventory.
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