Cop Plugin

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Leonator05, Aug 22, 2016.

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  1. Offline


    Plugin category: No clue

    Minecraft version: 1.8,1.9 & 1.10 if possible

    Suggested name: GTACops

    What I want: I would like a plugin that when a player kills another player 3 zombiepigmen in full iron and a diamond chestplate and a gold sword named
    spawn 1 block behind the killer and the killer gets the message
    'Cops have been dispatched to your location'
    and after 12 seconds 2 more spawn on the block behind you and killer gets the message
    Looks like they called for backup'
    after 10 seconds they disappear with NO noises and gives you the message
    Looks like you got away this time'

    I would also like there to be a config where you can change the messages and armor.

    Ideas for commands:
    /Cops reload (Reloads config)
    /Cops killall (Kill all cops)

    Ideas for permissions:
    Cops.Bypass (No default, not even ops get this unless it is set to them. Don't get cops after you when you kill a player)

    When I'd like it by: Today or tomorrow

    64 views and no replies xD
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2016
  2. (In response to your comment about views)
    Well, I, for one, am no modder. I'm just looking around for fun (and to see how often stuff gets done). Good luck, it sounds fun :)
  3. Offline


    I found the idea interesting, so I went ahead and started working on this and it is nearly done, however I do not know what to you meant with your last request, quote: "after 10 seconds they disappear with NO noises and gives you the message 'Looks like you got away this time'"

    As far as that goes, this plugin is done, it comes with a custom config file in the plugins folder with the following layout:

    The plugin can be reinitialized using the terminal or ingame command /gtacops r,reload. All cops get eliminated using the command /gtacops c,clear. Permissions are set in the jar file, you shouldn't really mess with this file, only if you know what you are doing.

    If you made any mistakes in the config file, you can delete the file or the containing folder and a new one will be created with the same content as the link I've provided.

    Also this is only for 1.10, as that is the only workspace I have on this machine. The rest of the day, I will not be available and once you have clarified what you meant with that last request or have any more requests which I potentially could add, I will finish the plugin.

    And I have 1 final question, does the plugin need to prevent to attract other zombie-pigmen to follow the 'fugitive' if the specified entity type is set to PIG_ZOMBIE ? I am not sure if there is any attribute in the game to prevent this, though.
  4. Offline


    I mean after 10 seconds they disappear and without the noise of death if possible, if not just make them disappear.

    I would also like the cops to go after the Killer instantly if possible. I know this is possible because a server did it.
  5. Offline


    Yes, the spawned cop is automatically set to target the player, it spawns directly 1 block behind the player in any cardinal direction (north, north-north east, north east, etc...) and they do not make their death noise if they are removed. Also all allowed entities must be of an instance of Monster instead of LivingEntity. There is a reference to a list of available entity types located in the config file. All special drops are disabled, so the armor and carried weapons won't drop.

    So about that last request, if the cops are still chasing the player, it should it just stop after 10 seconds (cops will be removed from the game after 10 seconds)? Does this also mean the cops are unable to be killed, making the player have to run instead of killing the cops as fast as it can?

    There also seem to be some problems when the server stops or reloads, I get an error referring to a class not found, while it's in the same JAR as the plugin, I'll have to look into that, although the error is harmless to the plugin(server or the plugin won't crash or something similar).
  6. Offline


    What I mean is when they go after the player the player can either kill them or the cops just die after 10 seconds.
    Can you make this for 1.8 too please? lol
  7. Offline


    @ShaneCraftDev @ShaneCraftDev
    Ok, then all the requested features are done. You can try it out on bukkit for MC 1.10, I think nothing has changed (that I have used) in between 1.8 and 1.10 so I probably can port it over easily, but not today.

    Try to break it, so I know if there are any problems or not. I haven't found any yet.

    plugin download

    Player A kills player B, player A gets chased by a cop, after 12 seconds 2 other cops spawn and after 10 seconds the chase is over, all cops chasing player A get removed. There is a message for the start of the chase, call for backup and whether or not player A survived the 'ambush' (success and failure).

    The time intervals are also configurable.
    Last edited by a moderator: Aug 24, 2016
  8. Offline


    Thanks so much! If I need another plugin I might message you! :D

    Edit: The cops don't target the killer when they spawn and the cops drop the items on death also can you make it so the cops spawn on the death of the player and when the backup spawns it spawns behind the killer?
    Last edited: Aug 24, 2016
  9. Offline


    Are you sure you are on 1.10.02 ? These are some images I made with the same plugin release:

    They do chase me (until I die), call for backup and do not drop any items on death.
  10. Offline


  11. Offline


    Tomorrow maybe, I am not certain which version of 1.8 is the right one and if any of the higher versions is compatible with a lower one (version 1.8.0, 1.8.1, 1.8.2 .... 1.8.7). Maybe you can already tell me what version you are running so at least I know which one does work to test for any bug. Or if you have any other requests which I potentially could add.
  12. Offline


    I am currently running 1.8/1.8.9
  13. Offline


    Can you switch it to 1.8 please and remove the message got emm or whatever it was when you kill them all

    Last edited: Aug 26, 2016
  14. Offline


    I have uploaded both versions, I wasn't too happy with the config handling class.

    craftbukkit release
    craftbukkit release 1.8.8

    As far as I know, the 1.8.8 release works with mc version 1.8.3 and 1.8.9.
    Maybe you can set the topic title to filled, as this plugin is finished.

    As I have stated earlier, you can edit all messages in the supplied config file after running the plugin on your server, to change the values either reload the server using the terminal or the in-game command /gtacops r,release

    Apparently in 1.8.8 the paragraph symbol is not support, so in the config file you will have to use the AND symbol to do any text formatting.

    EDIT: broken links, fixed.
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2016
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