Jail stick plugin | (1.8)

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Taterman814, Jul 29, 2016.

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    Hello, so recently I made a city server, and for Police ranks, I would like a plugin so when someone hits another person with a jail stick it will auto jail them in a jail, If that jail has someone already in it, then the player you jail will be teleported to a new jail. There will be a bypass command for certain players, so they don't get jailed. Ideas for commands:

    /jailstick (Shows you if Jailstick mode is ON or OFF.)

    /setjail (Sets a jail so when your jailed you will teleport there)

    /deljail (Deletes jail)

    /jailstick bypass <player>


    Permission nodes: jailstick.use





    Thanks again, and hopefully some developers make this possible. -Taterman814
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2016
  2. Hey Taterman

    do you want the jails to spawn or did you already build them?
  3. Offline


    He only asked for /setjail and /deljail. So he prob. alredy built them and just wants to set them.

    Do you want to allow players with specific permission to bypass the jail. So if they have lets say jailstick.bypass even if someone hits them with jailstick they will not be sent to jail. And also, do you want to have some specific item (i.e. stick) for jailstick or it can be any item in the hand?

    EDIT: It's late for me, so I will go to bed. I will finish the plugin tomorow. It is alredy 10% complete. If you need anything else, just tag me.
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2016
  4. Offline


    Yes, there will be a jailstick.bypass command, and the default item will be a Stick. Thanks for commenting =D

    I'm not sure what else I can think of.
    Last edited: Jul 29, 2016
  5. @Taterman814 Google is your friend! Google "Jail stick Bukkit" I'm on iPad so not posting a bunch but there are many already there.
  6. Offline


    I have tried all of them, none are working, or availble.
  7. Offline


    @XxTimexX What will you call the plugin?
  8. Offline


    One side thing, do you want to block player's movement while they are in jail?
  9. Offline


    @XxTimexX I have already made cells for my jail, but I would like it so they can move around, if thats okay.
  10. Offline


    I am near completion (didn't have acces to any of my files for 2 days, so I couldn't finish it on time), you can excpect your plugin in next 48 hours. Anyways, the question is: Do you want to block players from executing any command? Such as if they did /spawn while they were jailed they couldn't do the command. Or you have plugins sach as WorldGuard to do that?
  11. Offline


    @XxTimexX Can you make a custom text that will be displayed if you try to type a command? I think that would be better than using worldguard text.

    Also, thanks for making the plugin, I apperciate it.
    Last edited: Aug 2, 2016
  12. Offline


    I will try to implement it, never worked with handling commands that other people use. So I can't guarantee anything.
  13. Offline

    I Al Istannen

  14. Offline


    Oooh, never thought of that one. Once I knew almost all of the events, now I forgot a lot of them. Thanks for reminding me.
  15. Offline

    I Al Istannen

    No problem ;)
    Looking at this is a good place to see all events.
    Just look at "Direct Known Subclasses:" and navigate your way through.

    Or going to the event package and then clicking "Next Package" at the top left to scroll through all events.
  16. Offline


    @XxTimexX Will you be on today to post the plugin?
  17. Offline


    I need to test out the plugin. But the truth is, I have no one to help me test the plugin. And my main tester (prefix171) is at vacation.
  18. Offline


    @XxTimexX Alright, thats fine, tag me when your 100% finished.
    Also, I'd love to help, if you want some help, just tell me.
  19. Offline


    I'm extremely sorry. Mine laptop's GPU got busted and idk when will I get new one. As thus, I can't finish the plugin. But, I'll leave the source code of plugin here. I have all my files on cloud drive. I'll leave the link later. Again, I'm extremely sorry.
  20. Offline


    @XxTimexX Its tottally fine, and i'm sure this is not as special, as i can see you have more than this plugin to worry about. But thanks again. :)
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