How can I check for the presence of a permissions plugin

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by marti.2001, Jul 19, 2016.

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    I'm making a plugin and I want this: everyone has permission to use a specific command if no permissions plugin is installed, but if it is, then noone has permission to use the command unless they have a permission node.
    Currently, everyone has the permission unless they have a negative node (-myplugin.use). Here's my code:
    plugin.yml (open)

        default: true

    Command code (open)

    if (!p.hasPermission("styletp.use")) {
            return true;

    How can I make it so that if no permissions plugin is present, then anyone can use the command, but if there is a permissions plugin installed, then players need to have the permission node to use the command?
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    You need to install any permission plugin, like pex or group manager. Else you cant set the permissions to any player.
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    @CostelabrMn That's not what I'm trying to say. I'm trying to make the plugin allow any player to run the command if a permissions plugin is not installed, but require the permission node if a permissions plugin is installed.
  4. Use JavaPlugin's methods to test if a certain plugin is installed.
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    There is a method that you can use, but you need to know the main class name of the plugin
    1. Bukkit.getServer().getPluginManager().getPlugin("Name");
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    Thanks to everyone, it looks like I'm going to have to find a different way.
  7. @marti.2001

    Just a thought, might be completely wrong, but doesn't Vault have a method for this? It seems
    like a vault thing..
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    Theres always a permission "plugin". Bukkit has a default permission system.
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