Bukkit API Help

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by diamond_bro_1020, Jul 11, 2016.

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  1. Hello I'm new to most of this stuff but i just recently got a server and I've looked everywhere to try to find the plugins i need, but just cant find most of the stuff i need... i just now discovered that most professional servers make their own custom plugins...so i got down the line of coding...i just installed java eclipse today... and watched a tutorial about it
    though theirs one small problem...i cant seem to get java API
    its to confusing, honestly i cant figure it out
    first of all i don't know where to install it in the first place (i know its on the bukkit wiki but the link dudn't work) and second of all, im trying to get it for a 1.9.2 server but i confused about installing versions
    this is all to confusing somebody please help

    Thanks [diamond]:)[diamond]
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    Learn how to code and how to use Java first before you even attempt to make bukkit plugins. It's much harder to code when you don't know the language. Once you do, there are tons of tutorials to help you get bukkit imported into your project.
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