Plugin Help Can't use kit without OP!

Discussion in 'Plugin Help/Development/Requests' started by EndyPlays, Jun 22, 2016.

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    I am running a server and I set up the permissions with bPermissions. And for some reason players can't use kit or use any command really without being Opped. I have tried everything but whenever they try to use the kit it says "You do not have access to that command". Here are my group permissions in hastebin and just pasted....

        - essentials.gamemode
        - playervaults.size.5
        - playervaults.amount.3
        - essentials.ptime
        - essentials.kit
        - essentials.clear.inventory
        - essentials.kits.immortal
        - essentials.sethome.multiple.immortal
        - essentials.ignore
        - essentials.sell
        - essentials.time
        - essentials.tphere
        - player
          prefix: '&4&l[&c&lImmortal&4&l] &c'
    oh and by the way the group works because i am allowed to move people to the group and there prefix shows up, its just that none of the perms work.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 22, 2016
  2. Can you send the essentials config
  3. Offline


    I am quite sure that essentials.kits.immortal is case sensitive: if in the essentials config Immortal is spelled with capital "I", the proper permission would be essentials.kits.Immortal
    Not 100% sure though, correct me if I am wrong.
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    @Shaner_X, yes, as far as I am aware the Player#hasPermission(String) function is case sensitive, which is what this is doing.
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