Simple Team plugin

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by NSDev, Jun 26, 2016.

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    Plugin category: Comand Plugin

    Minecraft version: 1.7.10

    Suggested name:

    What I want:
    I'm wanting a plugin that adds the command:

    Type one of factions, but different.

    It would be like this:

    / Team create <teamname> <password> (Creates a time) (A password is optional)

    / Team chat (Enters team chat and all that talk will show only pros members of the chat)

    / Team leave (Team Sai)

    / Team kick <player> (If the creator of team you can kick the team players.)

    / Team join <teamname> (Join a team)

    And Entering / create a team, will create a scoreboard with:

    Line 1: (ChatColor.GREEN) Team Name
    Line 2: (ChatColor.WHITE) Team Creator
    Line 3: (ChatColor.WHITE) Member 1
    Line 4: (ChatColor.WHITE) Member 2
    Line 5: (ChatColor.WHITE) Member 3
    Line 6 (ChatColor.WHITE) Member 4
    Line 7: (ChatColor.WHITE) Member 5
    Line 8: (ChatColor.WHITE) Member 6

    And the players on the team limit is 6.

    Also, skim-reading is much easier with paragraphs!

    Ideas for commands: /team (create,join,chat,kick,leave)

    Ideas for permissions:

    When I'd like it by: Friday
  2. Offline


    Are you still loo
    king for a developer to create this?
  3. Offline


    Are you still looking for someone to create this?
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  5. Offline

    I Al Istannen

    Do you want the teams to persist after a restart?
  6. Offline

    I Al Istannen

    I have it basically ready. It probably needs nothing else, but I will look through it again and probably release it tomorrow in the evening (Central European time).
  7. Offline


    Wow thanks :3

    PS: If the team can persist after reboot would be nice, but if you can not all right.
  8. Offline

    I Al Istannen

    Totally forgot about publishing, wait a few minutes :p

    EDIT: Here. They should persist after restarts. I am not quite sure if I forgot a bug, so feel free to report anything you find or find annoying!
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    It was perfect, thank you. More if you can fix just two bugs I found, I would be grateful:
    1: When someone creates the team, the leader's name is duplicated, and it also happens sometimes when the leader logs out.
    2. / team chat is not working: /

    Apart from that the plugin was great, I do not even know how to thank you. <3
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2016
  10. Offline

    I Al Istannen

    1. Was actually intended, as the leader is a team member. I can change it though.
    2. What exactly do you mean? To display the prefix you have to use a chat plugin, but it should work. It does it for me at least.
      ("If you use the placeholder "{SIMPLE_TEAM_CHAT_PREFIX}" in your chat format, it will be replaced." At least I hope it works, couldn't try it :p)
    EDIT: I totally forgot:

    Leave: "simpleTeams.leave"
    Join: "simpleTeams.join"
    Kick: "simpleTeams.kick"
    Team Chat: ""
    Delete: "simpleTeams.delete"
    Help: ""
    Set Leader: "simpleTeams.setLeader"
    To set the leader of another team, while not being the leader: "simpleTeams.setLeader.other"
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2016
    NSDev likes this.
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