Solved Group Manager can't use manuadd

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by Friend6000, May 23, 2016.

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    I seriously can't get any permissions plugin working. It's driving me insane. Creating groups seems fine, it tells me in chat that the group has been created. However when I go in the actual plugins file I can't find the actual group among the other groups in the default world. I have essentialsx, griefprevention, spawnx, and worldedit installed. Along with, obviously, group manager essentials. PLEASE HELP ;-; I've been here for an hour and nothing is working for me
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

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    I've tried that SO many times...
    EDIT: Sorry for being slightly stoopid, only now understood what you meant. Yes, the group is there in the files now, but I can't use manuadd. It gives me no feedback whatsoever
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    For it to save to the server run /mansave it saves the configs to the server groupmanager file, and to load from the file use /manload to import new changes to the live server
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