A Few Questions

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by pingpong1999, May 6, 2016.

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    Hey guys, I was just wondering about some things;
    1. Is it possible to open a link without clicking any links. I know I can use a .json text to do it but Is there a way to just open it strait to the screen where it asks if you want to open the link

    2. Is it possible to make a natural explosion only affect blocks that the player is allowed to break. In other words can I make the explosion have a 'tag' to who made the explosion. (With WorldGuard) (sorry if that was badly explained)

    3. How do I give an item the enchant effect without giving it an actual enchant.

    4. How do I give an ItemStack a sub id. For example stained_clay, how would I give that a sub id for colour

    5. How do I update an inventory.

    6. How do I change text when a player chats without affecting essentials chat format

    Sorry if this is alot of questions, I searched most of them up and all the answers didn't work
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

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    I'll give it a try, thanks
    @timtower do you know any good tutorials for setData()? I can seem to find any ones
    Last edited: May 7, 2016
  6. @pingpong1999 You need to pass in a MaterialData instance which you can create with the constructor new MaterialData(Material material, byte data), or you can just use the constructor new ItemStack(material, amount, data).
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