Loading a <string, Integer> HashMap data from a configurationsection.

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by MasterGlueXX, Mar 30, 2016.

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    public void loadPoints() {
            if(getConfig().getConfigurationSection("points") != null ) {
                Set<String> set = getConfig().getConfigurationSection("points").getKeys(false);
                for(String credit : set) {
                    int value = getConfig().getInt(credit);
                    points.put(credit, value);
        public void loadPlayers() {
            if(getConfig().getConfigurationSection("players") != null ) {
                Set<String> set = getConfig().getConfigurationSection("players").getKeys(false);
                for(String credit : set) {
                    int value = getConfig().getInt(credit);
                    players.put(credit, value);
        public void savePoints() {
            for(String point : points.keySet()) {
                int value = points.get(point);
                getConfig().set("points." + point, value);
        public void savePlayers() {
            for(String player : players.keySet()) {
                int value = players.get(player);
                getConfig().set("players." + player, value);
    So I can save the data successfully and I made sure of this by checking the config.yml, but when I go to load it, the key shows up just fine but the value remains at 0 even though the value in the config is still a different number. It's probably a problem in my loadPoints. Thanks in advance.
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    Show us your config
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      MasterGlueXX: 10
      HollowMasterGlueXX: 0
    When I do the command to show me the points and players it shows them as empty (MasterGlueXX = 0)(HollowMasterGlueXX = 0) even when there are points in the value.
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    In your loadPoints, you grab the key from config. Your config does not have the key. You must specify where this key is coming from.

    instead of getConfig().getInt(credit); do getConfig().getInt("points." + credit);
    This will then look under the points section instead of finding "MasterGlueXX" outside of "points."
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