In Minecraft

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Abasi, Mar 29, 2016.

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    When you join the server you are given items in your hot bar one that allows you to join the game. another that opens a gui that allows you to but sell skins with "Cell Points" a currency that you get when you eat another player, or when you collect mass off the ground. When you join you're a single block and where ever you move the block that is under you, follows you. When you gain enough mass, you get bigger EX: 50,100,200,350,500,600etc. And the cells you eat wool blocks that are on the head of invisible armor stands, looking in random directions. The armor stands are halfway in the ground so only their head is showing. When a player eats the cell(The cell is eaten once the player has touched it, and when eating a cell you get a burp sound) the armor stand is deleted and another one spawns somewhere in the arena. with a max of 1000 cells spawned at one time. Also, slimes spawn randomly, but do not move, but when you hit the slime [max of 20] you lose 35% of your mass and you are split in 2. Ability to shoot mass, when you shoot it, it's just like the cells with a armor stand but the color on the head is the color of your cell you're controlling. Ability to split, where when you reach 32 mass, you can split in 2, then again in you have enough and as much as you want. When you split, you are teleported to the center of the cell you split off, and are now controlling that cell, with the other one following you; spawning a duplicate of yourself in the center of it dignifying that you have split, and that cell is also yours.

    /agarfeed [if you want to quit the game, you can do this and it'll give your mass to a random person that is playing, and this will send you to the lobby]
    /agartop [Allows players to see; in the chat window; the top players stats, only their total mass collected, kills, and deaths]
    /agarquit [Lets a player quit the game but is not sent to the hub, but is sent to the lobby]
    /agarstats [lets players see their stats in chat (Total mass eaten, players eaten, times split, deaths, current Cell points, largest cell that you have gotten to)]
    /agarsetlobby [sets the lobby players join when entering the game/dying]
    /agarstart [starts spawning the cells/slimes]
    /agarsetarena [prompts you to left click each side of the arena]

    -Each players mass is listed above their head, green if you can eat them, red if you can't
    -Able to spectate the game
    -Able to set a lobby
    -Ability to set the arena; in the arena when you join, you are spawned in a random location.
    -An updating scoreboard that shows the top 10 people and their mass, constantly updating.
    -Announces in chat when a player east another player
    -leveling system
    -Each level you get a "Cell Box" (chest) You can open for a cell skin.
  2. Offline


    I don't want to be pessimist,
    But it seem pretty hard to do :/
  3. Offline


    I have been thinking about such plugin since agario was released. It's not really hard to do, it would require a lot of work, too much for a request probably, so I doubt you will find anyone to do it for free. What I was worried about was it to be resource hungry. I'm not really good in efficiency. If there were a few people to start this project with, I'm in!
  4. Not too hard to do, could do it in not too much time. However there are some problems, and unless these are worked around this plugin can't be made:

    -Slimes/Magma Cubes don't have targeting systems like other entities. They just move to the nearest player, regardless of who hit it. This means that controlling these entities requires setting their velocity every time the player moves OR using leashes.

    -Extremely large slimes cause client performance drops

    -Slimes that are large enough will often break the leads as the center of them will be too far away from the player

    -Consuming cells in Agar isn't based on where the mouse position is, but is based on the cell position. Thus, for every cell (or half a cell, quarter, etc) all nearby entities will need to be tracked. This could cause lag quickly, especially when someone splits.
  5. Offline


    No, the player wouldn't be riding a slime. There would be blovks under you changing/ moving following you, similar to a trail, but instead a Cell.
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