Solved How to check atLeast in a .yml file?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by jusjus112, Mar 24, 2016.

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    Hey guys,

    Im stuck with a very hard thing. At least, for me it is hard ;)

    But, im gonne tell you.
    I have a .yml file. With some Objects, and some other locations and a stringList. I'm trying to loop trough the stringList and check if all the String's in the StringList is null. So, if atLeast 1 location in the config, return true. If all the String's in the conifg, doenst have a location. Return null.
    I dont know how i must do it, i have figure it out for like 3 days, and without result. I hope you guys can help me out ;)

    This, is my code now:
        public String chooseRandomArena() {   
            ArrayList<String> list = (ArrayList<String>) Main.newConfigz.getList("totalArenas");
            for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i ++) {
                if (Main.newConfigz.contains("arenas." + list.get(i) + ".first")) {
                    System.out.print("arenas." + list.get(i) + ".first");
            if (list.isEmpty()) {
                return null;
                Random r = new Random();
                int s = r.nextInt(list.size());
                if (!Arena.isStarted(list.get(s))&&isArenaLocationSet(1,list.get(s))&&isArenaLocationSet(1, list.get(s))&&isArenaLocationSet(2, list.get(s))&&isArenaLocationSet(3, list.get(s))) {
                    String a = list.get(s);
                    return a;
                }else {
            return null;
    The problem is, when it gets a String, it returns null, because the StringLocation is null. That is right, but there is another String in the config thats not null. So, how do i check, if atLeast 1 or more in the config has a location?

    Btw, this is my config, for the people that wanted it ;)
    Saves.YML (open)

        maxPlayers: 2
        isStarted: false
          World: world
          X: -259.37252752185555
          Y: 70.0
          Z: 313.2091373014552
          Pitch: 8.083455
          Yaw: 2.7444556
          World: world
          X: -259.28686895126776
          Y: 70.0
          Z: 340.67001821899845
          Pitch: 22.933455
          Yaw: 177.79448
          World: world
          X: -296.039831207993
          Y: 69.0
          Z: 324.4038723316471
          Pitch: 8.383454
          Yaw: 288.04443
        maxPlayers: 2
        isStarted: false
    - jusjus
    - test
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