[FUN/GEN] OpWizard v1 - Multipurpose fun commands [1.2.5-R4]

Discussion in 'Inactive/Unsupported Plugins' started by Kuuichi, May 22, 2011.

  1. Offline


    OpWizard - General Commands!
    Version: 1 - Works with recommended build 1.2.5-R4​

    OpWizard is my first fully functional plugin, it's just a command plugin with a couple fun commands, which will be updated FROM TIME TO TIME. Feel free to request any commands that should be added in at later versions! For now, this does NOT support permissions, hence the name "OPWizard". Any dumb questions will be ignored. When I say "general commands", this is not a server management plugin with your /help, /list, /time, /motd, and all that stuff. This was made to tag-along with plugins like Essentials, not replace them. Hope that cleared some stuff up.​
    Download it: BukkitDev
    Source will come soon, inbox me if you want it now.
    */ow help
    Lists all the available commands.
    */ow gethealth [playername]
    Returns the target player's health.
    */ow replace [blocktype]
    Replaces the target block with a new specified block.
    Ex: /replace IRON_ORE (replaces target block with iron ore)
    */ow spawn [creaturetype]
    Spawns a creature at your location
    Ex: /mobspawn MONSTER (spawns a player npc, try it!)
    */ow setstorm
    Toggles a storm in the sender's world.
    */ow blast
    Blasts the sender's target block with lightning!
    */ow electrify [playername]
    Blasts the target with lightning!
    */ow slap [playername]
    Slaps the target player!
    */ow nick [playername] [nickname]
    Makes a nickname for the target player!
    Ex: /nick Kuuichi Notch (changes my ign to "Notch")
    */ow join [playername] and /leave [playername]
    Makes fake join and leave messages, works well with /nick!
    */ow makesay [playername] [message]
    Makes the target player say your message. The player must be online.
    */sendcmd [target] [command]
    Makes the target player execute a command.
    (This doesn't work, sorry!)
    */ow repair
    Repairs the item in hand.
    */ow wear [helmet/chest/pants/boots]
    Wears the item in hand.
    */ow smelt
    Smelts the target block. (Must be an ore or cobblestone, redstone drops a random 1-6 dust)

    Released plugin with 12 commands.​
    Added commands and fixed /owhelp.​
    Made it work with multiple worlds.(Must have weather enabled!)​
    Changed /spawn to /mobspawn because of conflict with Essentials,​
    Made a new command, /throw.​
    Added new commands /wear and /repair,​
    formatted some stuff.​
    Fixed minor spelling errors and such.​
    Added a command /smelt​
    Fixed and updated for build 818​
    *Hook into Permissions​
    **Edit - All these views but no replies? :'(
  2. Offline


    That reminds me of a private hMod plugin I made last year, it did the exact same thing (/fakejoin /fakeleave /fakesay). It also had /fakemsg, could you please add that? Thanks!
    Edit: Oh, and it had a command to make a specified player use a command. I have no idea how to do that with Bukkit though D:
  3. Offline


  4. Offline


    I did all that, but am I not using the template? I'll edit it later today after school if I'm not.
  5. Offline


    Wow. Incredible Plugin, just.... Amazing. Thank you for REVOLUTIONIZING the bukkit plugin system. [diamond]*50000 for you.
  6. Offline


    I have a /sendcmd that I just tested, it makes a specified player use a command, and can take multiple arguments in the command too. I'll add that right after I finish your /makemsg request. :D

    **EDIT I updated with all the commands above and fixed how /owhelp worked. :)
  7. Offline


    title is missing version and description
  8. Offline


    Changed it. Am I good now?
  9. Offline


    all those commands but you dont have the command to make day or night?
  10. Offline


    I don't think this plugin is made to replace a plugin like essentials, its made to add on to them.
  11. Offline


    /sendcmd work for all cmd or just for cmd from your plugin ?
  12. Offline


    It works with all commands, in or out of my plugin. I just used one of my commands as an example.
  13. Offline


    Hey, this plugin looks really good, but whenever i try to use on of the commands with it, it just says the description of the command (ie, /makesay [Playername] [ message]) followed by "Unknown console command"
  14. Offline


    What craftbukkit version are you using? I've only tested this on recommended build 803, which I'm testing right now again.
  15. Offline


  16. Offline


    That's real odd. Are there any errors?
  17. Offline


    ok, heres what is says when i try to execute the command (note, it does the same thing ingame)

    digging into the server logs i find this

  18. Offline


    Have you tried re-downloading it?
  19. Offline


    i tried re-downloading with the same problem

    should i try updating to 803? or should i just wait for 1.6

    EDIT: updated to 803, same issue
  20. Offline


    That's really odd. Sorry if you find this annoying, but I want to fix this problem. I've tested this with build 751 ~ 803 and it's still giving you problems? Can I have a plugins list? And is it giving you the same error as before?
  21. Offline


    np, as a coder myself, im happy to help

    same error as before
  22. Offline


    I re-uploaded the link, see if the new one works for you.
  23. Offline


  24. Offline


    I really have no idea. You're the only one that has this problem, so the only thing I can suggest is to get CB build 803. Maybe check to make sure you are an op? I'm sorry, but I can't think of anything else right now.
  25. Offline


    Well, actually I am having the same problem, I am using CB Build 803 (still 1.5_02) it comes up with the same issue, maybe install essentials?
  26. Offline


    I think I've fixed it, download it again. Thanks, @Videogamenut101 for letting me test on your server. I THINKS I'VE FIXED ITT..... :/
    Videogamenut101 likes this.
  27. Offline


    Your welcome, and feel free to use my server at anytime!

    EDIT: I will be updating the plugin tomorrow, getting tired
  28. Offline


    still not working for me :`(
  29. Offline


    I'll be trying to fix this as best I can. Can anyone else test this and see if they get errors?
  30. lmk if u get permissions for this :)

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