
Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Ethan Rocks 365, Jan 17, 2016.

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    Ethan Rocks 365

    Plugin category: Shops

    Suggested name: Pointshop

    What I want: I want a plugin that makes it to where when a player kills a mob it gives the player a point
    then the player can do /pshop and it will open a gui with differnt catagorys. In the catogorys are differnt things they can buy. But when they buy something it replaces the other form of the item( they have a iron sword and buy a diamond sword, the iron sword disapeers or they have a diamond sword and select the iron sword the diamond one turns to iron ). The catagorys and items can be configured in the config.yml (found here:http://pastebin.com/5QGjKXh0 ) also, once a player buys a gun they can reselect it for free
    to select a gun click the redstone block below the item and it will turn to emerald block to mark that its selected

    EDIT: Here is a video explaing what i want. https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B3RZqaX04ugzQkp5M0xKUW9FMkk/view?usp=sharing

    Ideas for commands: /pshop - opens the point shop

    Ideas for permissions: no.permissions - no permmisons for this plugin!

    When I'd like it by: Today or tomarrow if possible
    Last edited: Jan 17, 2016
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    For the gui part, you can easily use ChestCommands plugin for the gui, then once u set the gui to a command, use an alias in the commands.yml in your files. (use alais only if the /pshop command is not already set as the command for your points plugin)
    http://wiki.bukkit.org/Commands.yml I would do the alias like this:
        - "chestcommands:{your command for gui} $1-"
    just remove the squiggly brackets ^-^
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    Ethan Rocks 365

    ok but what about the configurable ammount of points for killing mobs
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