GUI Homes

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Jaackk, Jan 7, 2016.

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    Plugin category: Fun

    Suggested name: GUIhomes

    What I want: I am looking for a plugin to give homes to players for them to set, teleport to and delete. I would like this to be in the form of a GUI.

    I know a GUI plugin could be configured eventually with essentials homes to be able to show and support this possibly however, it would be very confusing and frustrating to do. I have been using essentials homes and have been having some issues with them.

    I have had some problems with essentials homes. One being that the way you give permissions for homes to certain groups is frustrating as you have to add the group with the number of allowed homes in the configuration file and then also add the permission node to that group rather than just simply adding a permission node, for example homes.1.

    I have also been experiencing a bug with essentials homes in that if a player is to delete a home from their homes.
    Example: /delhome test

    If this player ever tries to teleport to that home after deletion
    Example: /home test
    The player will be teleported to spawn and their inventory will be wiped.

    Back to the request:

    I wold like the GUI to look something like so:

    To explain these pictures:

    The standard GUI for all players would be one row. For each home they have set, their is a bed named with the home that it is. If the player has not set a home or has one spare, there will be a green glass pane indicating the player has a home that they can set for this slot. The barriers will represent the player does not have permission to set this home (for example if the player has the permission node guihomes.3, 3 of the slots will be green glass panes until they set homes, and then every home afterwards will be a barrier as they do not have the permission node guihomes.4, guihomes.5 etc)

    If a player has permissions that exceed one row of homes in the GUI, for example guihomes.6

    They will have another row added in their GUI to show their extra homes.

    The extra rows will be added in this format:

    If a player has permission nodes that exceed the maximum amount of homes per page, for example guihomes.14, their GUI will have buttons on the bottom shown in these screenshots to add another page to show their extra homes:

    (ignore the sharpness 1, didn't want to have to create a whole GUI, thought it would just be easier to put the items in a chest and screenshot)

    When a player clicks on any of the homes, the GUI will close, and they will be told they are teleporting to their home in 3 seconds.

    It is important that this plugin does not depend on essentials homes for the reasons stated above.

    I would like all messages, names lores and items within the GUI to be configurable. An example of this would be:





    #Allow players to right click to delete a home after confirmation:

    #What message would you like to show to the player deleting their home for confirmation?
    Are you sure you wish to delete your %home% home? Type /delhome %home% again to confirm

    Suggested Permissions & Commands:

    /home - Opens the homes GUI -

    /home (name) - Teleports the player to the given home (after 3s cooldown) they have set without opening the GUI - GUIhomes.home (executed when a player clicks on one of the homes in the GUI)

    - The amount of homes a group or player is allowed to set.

    GUIhomes.unlimited - The permission to set unlimited homes.

    GUIhomes.bypasscooldown - The permission to teleport to a home instantly without the 3s cooldown.

    /sethome (name) - Sets a home for the given player and adds it to their GUI depending on whether they have the permission to set another home or not - GUIhomes.sethome

    /delhome (name) - Deletes a home the player has set after giving the player a text output confirmation of:
    Are you sure you wish to delete your (home) home? Type /delhome (home) again to confirm - GUIhomes.delete
    I would also like if in the GUI players could right click the home they wish to remove closing the GUI and showing this same text output to them.

    When I'd like it by:

    As soon as possible would be great :)

    Many thanks for reading the request, please leave any questions, thoughts, comments, feedback below and I would be happy to help explain, answer etc.
    Last edited: Jan 7, 2016
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    Hi there, I did try this plugin however it has no separate permissions for setting homes. It's universal to allow players all to set 36 homes which I do not want on my server. Some of the configuration also does not work with the latest version of spigot as others have pointed out also.

    Thanks for the reply but I'm not sure this is the plugin for me :)
  4. Offline


    I can try to make a plugin like this, but I'm not that experienced in coding yet, so I will try :)
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    Great, keep me updated on how everything is going and don't hesitate to ask any questions about the plugin :)

    Many thanks.
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    I will make this if you help contribute check your messages for more
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