Item lore not updating

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by CheesyFreezy, Jan 1, 2016.

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  1. Offline


    Heey developers,
    Like the title says, the lore on an item is not updating. I'm making custom durability which works fine for the rest, but the lore isn't updating. I debugged some stuff and the lore is adding durability but it's not being added on the item.

    public static void addDurability(ItemStack item, int amount) {
            String[] commaLine = ChatColor.stripColor(item.getItemMeta().getLore().toString()).split(",");
            int line = 0;
            if(Core.weaponList.contains(item.getType())) {
                line = 3;
            } else if(Core.armorList.contains(item.getType())) {
                line = 4;
            if(commaLine[line].contains("[") && commaLine[line].contains("]")) {
                int currentDurability = getNumbers(commaLine[line]);
                ItemMeta meta = item.getItemMeta();
                List<String> currentLore = meta.getLore();
                if((currentDurability + amount) > 1500) {
                    currentLore.set(line, ChatColor.GRAY + "[DURABILITY: " + "1500" + "]");
                } else {
                    currentLore.set(line, ChatColor.GRAY + "[DURABILITY: " + (currentDurability + amount) + "]");
  2. Offline


    I think, if you pass a variable to a function, it just copies it, and uses that, not the same one. Try to return the item, and where you use this function, do something like
    item = addDurability(item, 10)
    And please, don't abuse static
  3. Offline


    Nope, that's C/C++. In Java, non-primary data types are references.

    This looks like it should work so you should debug and find out what's happening in the code. Maybe one of your if-statements isn't doing what you expect.
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    That's, why I put there the bold think word.
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    It's running everything all fine, but the itemstack that i'm trying to change is still the old itemstack.

    I also made a removeDurability, and that is working good, but the addDurability isn't.

    public static void removeDurability(Player player, ItemStack item, int amount) {
            String[] commaLine = ChatColor.stripColor(item.getItemMeta().getLore().toString()).split(",");
            if(Core.weaponList.contains(item.getType())) {
                if(commaLine[3].contains("[") && commaLine[3].contains("]")) {
                    int currentDurability = getNumbers(commaLine[3]);
                    if(currentDurability <= 1) {
                    } else {
                        ItemMeta weaponMeta = item.getItemMeta();
                        List<String> currentLore = item.getItemMeta().getLore();
                        currentLore.set(3, ChatColor.GRAY + "[DURABILITY: " + (currentDurability - amount) + "]");
            } else if(Core.armorList.contains(item.getType())) {
                if(commaLine[4].contains("[") && commaLine[4].contains("]")) {
                    int currentDurability = getNumbers(commaLine[4]);
                    if(currentDurability <= 1) {
                    } else {
                        ItemMeta weaponMeta = item.getItemMeta();
                        List<String> currentLore = item.getItemMeta().getLore();
                        currentLore.set(4, ChatColor.GRAY + "[DURABILITY: " + (currentDurability - amount) + "]");
  6. Offline


    If the itemstack is in an inventory or in the players hand, you have to update the inventory. Either use Inventory.update() or player.updateInventory() (Forget which it is).
  7. Offline


    I made a drag and drop system where you can drag and drop leather on (as an example) a leather helmet and it will gain durability from that. But if I do player.updateInventory() the clicked item will disappear.

    EDIT: I tested it out with another guy and it didn't happend to him, only to me.
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2016
  8. Offline


    Everything in Java is pass-by-value and not pass-by-reference.
    That being said,
    this would be a way to overcome that however since you aren't changing the reference or value, you don't need to return or re-assign anything.

    @CheesyFreezy Try doing some rubberduck debugging.
  9. Offline


    Well now that's just confusing.
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