saveDefaultConfig(); no longer saving correctly

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Condolent, Jan 1, 2016.

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    Read something about how saveDefaultConfig(); no longer saves the config. How do I solve this??
    I have in a 'Events' class a string list that saves a new players' UUID to set the player as registered. But I don't want the notes to disappear when it saves so saveConfig(); won't work.

    This is my initial config-code:
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    @Condolent There's nothing wrong with saveDefaultConfig(); You do not need to do getConfig().options().copyDefaults();

    saveDefaultConfig() does not save updates, you need to use saveConfig();

    If you're afraid that notes will be deleted then just create a second storage file with no notes in it.
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    @Xerox262 there's also a command that changes a boolean in the config so I need to fix this somehow
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    Config files don't load the comments, so either you have to create you own configuration system or you can just store the changeable things in a separate file.
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    @Xerox262 that's not really true. I know it's possible and read a documentation that they changed the saveDefaultConfig a while back. Just forgot how to use it correctly.
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    saveDefaultConfig() basically copy the config.yml in your SRC folder to the plugin's data folder if it did not exist.
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    @Condolent Exactly, that's why they copy the comments, because they don't actually load the file, they don't even care what kind of file it is, they just write all it's data to the file.
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