Solved Adding a custom integer

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Condolent, Dec 28, 2015.

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    So I want a currency system where I as a admin can add credits to a user. The command is /currency add <player> <amount> but I've set it up wrong, so bukkit thinks the amount is a string. How do I make it an integer?
    My line of code for the command:
    getPlayerLog().set(targetUUID, getPlayerLog().getInt(targetUUID) + args[2]);
    Is there a easy way to fix this? I'm guessing I need to make a private integer and set that integer to the argument or something, but that seems like kind of a hassle, I feel like there's a easier way, but I can't figure it out.

    FYI: the getPlayerLog is a custom .yml file, basically like a config
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    That's pretty basic Java, make sure you handle NFE
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    @Xerox262 thanks! Trying to come back to Java after a year of inactivity, forgot a bunch of very basic stuff hehe
    Zombie_Striker likes this.
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    It's always takes time coming back to something after a long period of time. Mark thread as solved, if your problem has been solved.
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