Filled ForeverNoteblock (Have noteblocks override other sounds)

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Dark_Serpent, Dec 16, 2015.

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    Plugin category: Admin Tools

    Suggested name: ForeverNoteblock

    What I want: I want to make it so noteblock sounds are not overpowered or overridden by other sounds.

    i.e. If a resource pack is configured to have a ~ 3 minute song as a noteblock sound, when the noteblock sound begins to play, if lightning strikes or a zombie growls, the noteblock will stop playing. I want the noteblock to play over any other sounds, if possible.

    Ideas for commands: None needed

    When I'd like it by: Before Christmas, if possible. Loads of thanks for whoever takes up this project!

    Additional Information: It must be able to work properly in Minecraft Version 1.7.10.
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    @Dark_Serpent This is a client-side thing and cannot be changed.

    If you are using resourcepacks, just add custom sounds instead of replacing existing ones, then use /playsound.
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    Actually it is kinda possible, not exactly as you want, but as long as your "song" is playing, all other sound packets could be cancelled. Should be possible with Protocollib.

    (That does not mean I'm going to code it)
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    @crysis992 Yeah, but then no other sounds play. The idea here is for other sounds to be able to play, just without canceling the noteblock. And this is not possible.
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    @pie_flavor & @crysis992

    Ah, I see, thank you then.

    I've switched over to using SoundCenter, and it seems to resolve my problem for now. Thank you for your assistance though!
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