Right-click with Specific Item to Run Command.

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by deathlyangel47, Nov 8, 2015.

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    Plugin category: Utilities

    Suggested name: CommandOnItemUse

    What I want: I just need a simple plugin that runs a command when I right click with an item. I would prefer for it to be highly configurable, where I can specify the item and the command that it runs.

    For an example, I would like to use a compass to open a GUI of servers. I already have a plugin that opens the GUI, but only by command, and so I need to be able to run the command.

    If something like this already exists, please provide a link as I've been looking for a few days now.

    Ideas for commands: No commands needed for this plugin.

    Ideas for permissions: commandonitemuse.use

    When I'd like it by: Hopefully within a few days, but I can wait for a while if you have other things to work on. Thanks!
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  3. Offline


    Wow! That's perfect! Thanks!
  4. Offline



    It's an incredibly large and helpful plugin, although all of its features are disabled when you download the plugin so you can enable just the mechanics/features you want.

    One of the mechanics is Command Items, which is an in-depth tool that allows you to assign commands to items.
    You can choose whether commands are activated when you sneak, don't sneak, or both.
    You can set delays, and you can attach multiple commands to one item.
    You can use any item with any name and any lore.
    It has tons of triggers. Commands can be activated when you right click, left click, both, punch an mob, drop an item, break a block, pick up an item, place a block, break a block, send a chat message, eat/drink an item, automatically triggers every few seconds, and much more.

    You can also edit all of the configurations for each individual command item in a config file.
    It also comes with permissions, so you can make it so that only users or groups with a specific permission node, which you created, can use a specific command item.

    CraftBook is a very in-depth plugin, and it works for 1.8.X as well! (CraftBukkit or Spigot.)

    Here's a guide about command items in CraftBook.
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    Mrs. bwfctower

    Why use this if you only want that one specific feature?
  6. Offline


    Why not?
  7. Offline

    Mrs. bwfctower

    Because it's such a large plugin, and even if nothing more gets loaded to memory (I'm quite sure CraftBooks will add more than needed into memory) it takes more disk space. Sure, it's not a huge problem, but still. Would you rather have a house with 15 rooms and 14 of them are never used at all or just what you need?
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    To take that analogy back to computers, The CraftBook jar is ~1.3 mb. If that takes up most of your hard drive space then you couldn't even run MC.
  9. Offline

    Mrs. bwfctower

    @teej107 But still, why have so many more potential features when they will never be used. Regardless, this is getting offtopic.
  10. Offline


    This isn't really answering the question but CraftBook is available right now and fits the plugin request.
  11. Offline

    Mrs. bwfctower

    Look at first reply.
  12. Offline


    @teej107 The plugin request has already been filled
    teej107 likes this.
  13. Offline


    It's not a big file, and all features are disabled at default.
    You don't download it to use all of its features. It's a plugin which tons of different plugins.
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    Well, Actually he was talking about RAM not HD space.
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