Creating a simple car

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by ChintziSecilMC, Oct 10, 2015.

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    So i'm wanting to know how i could make it so that a mine cart or boat can move on land without rails/water, I've tried many ways but have not been the slightest successful in any, so i was wondering if anyone has some ideas on how i would go about doing this thnx.
  2. Offline


    Have you tried this?
    ChintziSecilMC likes this.
  3. Offline


    @teej107 no xD. how would i apply it?
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    With basic Java?

    1. Listen for player entering cart
    2. Use that method
    3. ???
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    4. Profit

    But seriously, you would use it as such
    //inside a runnable
    public void run(){
    for(Minecarts m : MineCartsThatMoveOnLand){
    if(m.getPassager() != null){//there is an entitiy inside it
    m.setDerailedVelocityMod(m.getPassager().getLocation().getDirection().multiplied(/*if you want it to go faster/slower*/));
  6. Offline


    Would you not use VehicleEnterEvent? Seems better performance than running something all the time
  7. Offline


    But that would mean that it will only set the direction ONCE (when the player enters the minecart), meaning that it will only go in ONE direction, not where the player is looking. If you want it to continually go in any direction, you would need a runnable.
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    @Zombie_Striker actually, you can listen for player move event. Moving the screen is considered a move event.
  9. Offline


    True, but doesn't the Modifier decrease? That would mean if the player does not move his head (because PlayerMoveEVent only gets fired when a player moves his head or WALKS (not rides)), it will only trigger once and as such the minecart would stop.
  10. Offline


    Nope, I did it with planes, it works fine. I did it with a moving minecart that travelled along the floor too, but it couldn't move up blocks, and I didn't use that way.
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