Combat Fireworks

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by leokiller97, Sep 22, 2015.

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    Is it uncompatible then? What can I do to fix the issue?
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Those are incompatible this way.
    Get the developer to compile with java 7
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    @leokiller97 Then you have 2 choices, 1.: Update your computer to java 8 2.: I try to compile it with java 7 too, but i can obly do that on monday. I recommend you updating java, because thaf would fix all the other issues too.
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    I don't think MCProHosting allows me to update to Java 8 :(
    I think I'll wait Monday If you can do it! Thanks ^^
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    That sucks, because there is a lot of plugin out there, that is compiled with java 8, for example all of my plugins, and those are great (*hint hint*)
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    I succesfully compiles the plugin, you cab use it now. I really recommend changing to an up-to-date server hsoter, because in a living and breathing community, like bukkit, everything gets outdated in days, and of something doesn't update, it will die eventually...
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