Plugin Help How to fix PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent not splitting correctly

Discussion in 'Plugin Help/Development/Requests' started by Cycryl, Sep 30, 2015.

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    Hey Bukkit forums!
    I recently needed to read argumens from a list from the PlayerCommandPreprocessEvent.
    To do this i tried to use event.getMessage().split(" ");
    I realized that it was not working.
    After playing around with it for a bit I found out that the spaces in are actually so called "Non-breaking spaces".
    So the split character had to be one of these "Non-breaking spaces."
    If I do .split(" ") with one of these in the parenthesies it works.

    To get this character do this:

    Hold Alt
    Enter 0160 into the number pad
    Release alt

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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    @Cycryl Spacebar should work just fine, it does with my plugins (as far as I still use that event)
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    Im using craftbukkit 1.8 snapshot maybe thats the reason. If there are more versions it occurrs in people can come backto this thread
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    I Al Istannen

    @Cycryl I am using that too, and everything works fine with just a normal space. As String.split() accepts a RegEx, you could try splitting at "\s" instead of " ". That should match any whitespace character.
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    Wow thanks i didnt even know that was possible thanks man
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