Get online player inventory on Website

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Rilekt, Aug 16, 2015.

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    //Refresh all time the same error
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    @Rilekt To be honest I think your best bet is to create a Socket, and have a .php that can read that socket. Then on your main webpage, you reference that .php to return the inventory of whoever you want.
    Rilekt likes this.
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    So, how to create socket to checking player's inventory? :G
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    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

    Depends, are you developing yourself?
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    Add this to jsonapi's methods.json file then restart minecraft...

      "name": "getInventoryContents",
      "desc": "Gets each itemstack in the specified player's inventory.",
      "returns": ["ItemStack[]", "Types of the items in the player's inventory"],
      "call": "this.getPlayerExact(0).getInventory().getContents()",
      "args": [
      ["String", "The name of the player"]
    This is pretty much the same as the last bit of code you was given, but instead of "methods" you should use "args"...

    Next the PHP...

    $api = new JSONAPI("localhost", 20059, "user", "password", "salt");
    echo '<pre>'; var_dump($api->call("getInventoryContents", array("PlayerName"))); echo '</pre>';
    Obviously you'll want the latest copy of SDK...

    Also you'll want to change user, password, salt, and PlayerName, to whatever you have configured and want.

    Hope this helps :)
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