Guard List

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by ForbiddenGaming, Sep 12, 2015.

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  1. Offline


    What I want:
    I need a plugin that shows a list of players who are guarding or playing the role of guard, players can become guard with a command and they require a certain permission node for it. They will be taken off the list when they leave the server.

    - /guards (Lists all guards in this format: ChatColor.DARK_RED + "Guards on duty" + ChatColor.GRAY + ":"
    then either list them in a column or in rows. If you list them in rows separate them with a comma and make their names gold.[All Players Have This, No Permission Node Required])

    - /duty (Adds the player to the guard list with the corresponding permission node)

    guards.duty (for the command /duty)

    I'd like this plugin in 3 days, but it is rather simple so if you can it before 3 days that would be nice.
  2. Offline


    Let me know if you need something changed.

    /guards - Shows the list of guards.
    /duty - Adds a guard to the guard list (if they have the guards.duty permission).
    /guardlist - Shows GuardList's commands.

    Prefix: '&8[&cGuardList&8]'
    No-Permission: '&4You do not have permission to use this command.'
    Invalid-Syntax: '&4Invalid syntax - usage: &c{0}&4.'
    Guard-List-Name-Color: '&6'
    Guard-List: '&4Guards on duty&8: {0}&4.'
    Guard-List-Add: '&6You have been added to the guard list.'
    Guard-List-Already-Added: '&4You are already added to the guard list.'
    Must-Be-Player: You must be an in-game player to use this command.
  3. Offline


    @HeadGam3z can u make it so that when they do /duty again they get taken off the list? Oh and if you can make it so that when they are not in guard list you can add negating permission nodes in config. so if say they are not a guard, they don't have access to certain permissions like -essentials.kits.guard
    Last edited: Sep 13, 2015
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