Punishment Plugin

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by boo2300, Aug 21, 2015.

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    I need a plugin to punish players and keep a record of their punishments, here is the description:

    Command Usage;
    /p [name] [reason]
    (or /punish but /p is shorter)

    For Example: /p Chiss Spamming "I LOVE CATS. MEOW" 10 times.

    What it looks like when you first open it.
    These are the clickable items to deal out punishments.
    This head shows the player name and the reason you're punishing the user.
    There are 3 categories - Chat Offense, Gameplay Offense, and Hacking:
    here are 3 levels of punishments each dealing out a bigger punishment per level.
    It starts from green being the least (level 1) to red being the most (level 3).
    Also the Pen & Quill (Perm Mute) and Redstone (Perm Ban) blocks are special cases such as spam advertising or inappropriate names and skins. This can be used by mods and up.
    This is the warning punishment; this is used when a player is warned for a chat offense.
    When giving the user a warning punishment put a descriptive reason as to why they were warned so that future Helpers and Moderators will know what they did, exactly.
    This is what players see when they are warned
    When you punish a player it will show up here - it also shows past offences.
    If the item is enchanted it means it's still in effect.
    When you hover over a punishment it shows all the details about it.
    To remove the punishment simply do /p [name] [reason] then left click the punishment that needs undoing.
    The permissions are:
    punishment.helper, punishment.admin
    punishment.helper gets access to Severity 1 mutes and warnings, punishment.admin has access to it all.
    Make the punishment times customizable for each of them, Sev1 First time, Sev1 Second time, ect. Same for sev 2 and 3
    Different ones for hacking, gameplay, and chat

    If you are going to try to work on the plugin or are working on just leave a comment so I will know that someone is working on it, and thanks in advance!
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    I could attempt to make this, but no promises. It sounds like it would be a pretty good plugin. Although I would make some changes, so it would all be in a gui. So when you do /p It will open a gui which you specify what type of offence you want it as. And to write the reason you get a book and quill and write the reason. Also what would the punishments be? and number two, would this be a custom plugin or could I upload it on DevBukkit?
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    @Tecno_Wizard That isn't really what I'm looking for, I am looking for a more organized one.

    @mttprvst13 the screenshots show how the GUI should look. You would type out /p player reason, then click the punishment. So if they were hacking you would click the correct severity for hacking offence. I want all of the punishment times to be customizable in case I want to change them. There should be an option for first time sev 1, second time sev1, third time sev1, up to 15. Same for the other severities.
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