How to add an item to a players' inventory with a colored name

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by lonemineah_, Aug 20, 2015.

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    Hi! I messing around with .addItem() and couldn't find out how to add a colored name to an item. If you know how to add an item to a players' inventory with a colored name please comment below.

    Thank you!
  2. @lonemineah_ Create an itemstack, get the item meta, set the display name to whatever you want (colours are allowed) set the item meta, give them that item.
    Xtreme727 likes this.
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    How would I add an item to a certain inventory slot?
    Last edited: Aug 20, 2015
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    You can use the slot id's here:
    You can also use the itemInHand() for their current slot they are "selected" on

    p.getInventory().setItemInHand(stack); //SETS the item stack. Replaces it if there is an item
    p.getInventory().setItem(id, stack); //sets the item stack for the slot id

    be sure to use getItemInHand() != null or getItem(slotID) != null first to make sure you dont remove their item they currently have if that is what your doing
  5. @cyberpwn
    That link are network slots, not inventory slots.
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    Try that snippet of code:

    ItemStack item = new ItemStack(Material.AIR);
    ItemMeta meta = item.getItemMeta();
    meta.setDisplayName("§c§lColored Name");
    I'm not at home, so i can't test it now, but it should work.
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