Solved Faction is Permanent, which means you can't disband it

Discussion in 'Plugin Help/Development/Requests' started by jackisalemon, Aug 19, 2015.

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    There is a faction on my server that shows up on your name when you disband/leave your faction. Its annoying. Its very confusing, too. When I try to disband it, it says "This faction is permanent, which means you cannot disband it. I want to know if theres a way to disband it or not, because i don't want it on my server anymore.
    EDIT: I've figured it out, and now its gone. Thanks to another minecraft forum website.
    Last edited: Aug 22, 2015
  2. Offline


    Sooo you are saying there is a premade prefix that everyone automaticly goes into if they arent in faction? like when i would do /team create/join <name> it would show that name i leave it it shows the premade prefix?, if so there should be(idk which faction you use but) in the config a "prefix" section regarding this.
  3. Offline


    @Scorpionvssub Its name is TheRainbowGods. One of my staff members made it and they couldn't disband it. It appears everwhere unclaimed it looks like. When I show the details of it, it says @Console is a member. I am so confused.
  4. Offline


    which plugin you running it might help :p since there are so many i can only imagine its 1 of the lesser decent 1s
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