A simple question

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by camman00, Aug 19, 2015.

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    How do u check if the sender is a certain player name then to run the command if it is a certain player name like camman00 im making a plugin where only I can op people.
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    if(sender instanceof Player){
        Player player = (Player) sender;
             if(player.getName().equalsIgnoreCase("name") || player.getName().equals("name"){
                    //stuff  here
    You could check before the cmd.getName() checking.. (not to sure if that would actually work)
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    I'll will try that when I get home @SkyleTyler1337 also one more question how so if I am hurting a player it makes them take damage faster then normal.
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    You mean taking less damage than normal?
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    @camman00 use https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/bukkit/org/bukkit/event/entity/EntityDamageByEntityEvent.html.

    1) Check if damager instanceof player
    2) Check if they have a sword, axe, unarmed, whatever you want to add extra damage
    3) event.setDamage(event.getDamage()+2); this will add 2 (one heart) to damage dealt

    Edit: if what @AdobeGFX is true and you want burn to do faster damage, use https://hub.spigotmc.org/javadocs/spigot/org/bukkit/event/entity/EntityDamageEvent.html.
    1) Check is player is an instanceof Player
    2) Check if the Damage cause is them fire, hungre, whetever you want, or just always giving them extra damage
    3) Use event.setDamage(event.getDamage+1) The +1 adds half a heart to the damage making it kill them faster
    Last edited: Aug 19, 2015
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    He either wants to be superman.. Or he just want people to take more damage when they get hurt.. Like if they burn, they take more damage than they should..
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    Thank you all just one more question. What if I want to make the damage rate faster or slower if the player is in lava. Like for example I played on this one server and if u walked into lava it would damage you by 2 (leave you with 9 hearts) but it does 2 damage per tick so it pretty much instantly kills you.
    Pardon for my noob like questions
    Thank you all once again
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