How do i get ItemMeta of MaterialData?!

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by HyKurtis, Aug 8, 2015.

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    I am trying to be able to get the item meta for the MaterialData so i can make it that you have to have a peice of obsidian named "&7Obsidian Casing" in order to complete the craft. Any help?

    public void obsidiancasing() {
    ItemStack obsidiancasing = new ItemStack(Material.STONE, 1);
    MaterialData data = new MaterialData(Material.OBSIDIAN);
    ItemMeta obcasing = (ItemMeta) data.getItemMeta();
    ShapedRecipe pbrecipe = new ShapedRecipe(obsidiancasing);
    " ",
    " ");
    pbrecipe.setIngredient('P', data);
  2. Offline


    First off, you can paste code with this button: . You don't need MaterialData. Instead use the ItemMeta from your ItemStack. Then change the display name of the ItemMeta. Make sure you set the ItemStack to meta too! Example:
    ItemStack i = new ItemStack(Material.DIAMOND_SWORD);
    //Meta variable
    ItemMeta meta = i.getItemMeta();
    //set the display name
    meta.setDisplayName(ChatColor.RED + "My Epic Sword");
    //add the data to the item
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