Stop Players passing.

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by jolbol1, Aug 7, 2015.

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    Hey guys, I have a runnable that goes of ever x ticks to check if a player is within a "invisible wall" then if they are use this
     Vector direction = player.getLocation().getDirection();
    to fling them out of it. Problem is if they go backwards into the invisible wall, it flings them through it.
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    Instead of manually setting the value for the vector, try reversing it. (so if a value is 1, make it -1)
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    See if they are at the x max of the border, if so, fling them at a negitive x for x. If they are at x min, fling them in a positive X.
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    Like this?
    Vector direction = player.getLocation().getDirection();
                                player.setVelocity(direction.setY(direction.getY() * -1).multiply(0.2));
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    I have absolutely no idea what you're doing, since the line of code will not work. I think he means
    int throwx = 1;
    int throwz = 1;
    if(player.getLocation().getX > maxlimit)
    player.setVelocity(new Velocity(throwx,1,throwz))
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    Im just getting confused and Im not sure why. To make sure we are all on the same page. The invisible wall is a 1 block thick wall, and you could just walk round it, but I do plan to put blocks there. As such its sort of a invisible door, and If you have permission you can pass through., If you dont it hits you back.
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    //This is the field the controls the velocity of the x plane.
    int throwx = 1;
    //This is the field the controls the velocity of the z plane.
    int throwz = 1;
    //This if statement checks if the X is that greater than the wall, and if so, it will set the X plane to be negative(pushing the player back). If you only want the wall to be one block thick, swap '>' to '='
    if(player.getLocation().getX = maxlimit)
    //This if statement checks if the Z is that greater than the wall, and if so, it will set the Z plane to be negative(pushing the player back). If you only want the wall to be one block thick, swap '>' to '='
    if(player.getLocation().getZ = maxlimit)
    //this void will set the players velocity.
    player.setVelocity(new Velocity(throwx,1,throwz))
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