Is Bukkit compatible with OptiFine 1.8.7?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by clairebeauty, Jul 19, 2015.

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    Last edited: Jul 20, 2015
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    Optifine isn't affected by servers as it is a client-side mod.
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    What @oceantheskatr said. Anyone who mods/hacks on your server will not affect the CPU/RAM/Performance of your server in any way. It's affiliated with their personal computer. The only things that will affect your server are the things you add to it.
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    Clients directly affect the server's performance. Simply having 100 people on a server would make it run slower than if it had 2 people on. I understand what you meant by your statement, though to be more exact mods can affect server performance. In the case of Optifine, it is completely client-side and no one can tell the difference of whether or not they're using it. Whereas other mods (such as hacked clients) can allow the user to do different things that can affect server performance. Not necessarily in a large way, though there is a nuker option on Wolfram that breaks all the blocks around you quickly, and if multiple people did this it would indeed affect the server performance ;)

    That being said, most mods will not do anything to impact a server's performance. (Especially not Optifine! :) )
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    Forgot about them hacks. In that case, sorry.
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