Solved Arena players list?

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by thewalkingplay, Jul 4, 2015.

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    Hi, I'm making a minigame plugin and I need to make a list of players in each arena, this will work: ?
        private String name;
        private static Location spawn;
        private static Location lobby;
        private static int Nplayers;
        private static List<Arena> allArenas = new ArrayList<Arena>();
        private static List<Player> playersInTheArena;
        public Arena(String name, Location spawn, Location lobby) {
   = name;
            Arena.spawn = spawn;
            Arena.lobby = lobby;
            Nplayers = 0;
            playersInTheArena = new ArrayList<Player>();
    (the list playersInTheArena) will work? I don't have anyone to test the plugin, and , if this is whrong, what can I do?

    sorry for my english, I'm brazilian
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    Yes that will work! It would be better though to do...
    private List<Player> playersInTheArena = new ArrayList<Player>();
    So you don't have to do it in the constructer, but instead in the variables. The same way you did it to the Arena list. And remove static keywords on all of them!
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2015
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    If you have to store two Objects (Arena & Player), then use a HashMap<Arena, Player>.
    MarinD99 likes this.
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    Actually, none of this will work, assuming he wants to create more than one Arena.


    If you want this to have any semblance of "working," remove all the "static" keywords from the class and store the Player's UUID rather than their Player object. Also, don't have the Arena class keep track of all of it's instances, that's just tacky, keep track of them in another location. Furthermore, since you'll have a Set of all the UUIDs of the players in the arena, there's not need to keep track of the number of players since you can do Collection#size() on the Set.

    You may want to read this: The Java™ Tutorials
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    @mythbusterma keep the playersInTheArena in the constructor?
  6. Remove static modifier
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    private String name;
        private Location spawn;
        private Location lobby;
        private List<Arena> allArenas = new ArrayList<Arena>();
        private List<UUID> playersInTheArena;
        public Arena(String name, Location spawn, Location lobby) {
   = name;
            this.spawn = spawn;
            this.lobby = lobby;
            playersInTheArena = new ArrayList<UUID>();
    just remove?
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    You should probably not have a list with all arena's in your Arena class. Instead, I would make an ArenaManager which is a glorified HashMap<String, Arena>.
    Konato_K likes this.
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    @Lolmewn I alread did an arenaManager with a HashMap<String, Arena> but, with this, I can't get the number of players
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    @thewalkingplay A player is in one arena at a time right? Just iterate over all arena's and sum the count of players up.
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    @Lolmewn aways returns 1
    public static int getPlayersInArena(String arena) {
            int n = 0;
            for (String s : playersInArena.keySet()) {
                if (playersInArena.get(s) == arena) {
            return n;
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    @thewalkingplay Just return playersInArena.size(), no need to make it static either.
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    @Lolmewn playersInArena is a hashmap with all arena and the players, (HashMap<String, String> string1 is player and string2 is the arena) I made this class before the Arena object


    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 12, 2016
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    @mythbusterma I know that it's a noob question but, what is the difference between static and non-static methods? I don't found any javadoc related to this, probably becuse the way that I seach .-.
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    @Konato_K thx, now I need to remove all the static keys from my plugin, it will take same hours .-.

    now 98% of the classes are giving me the error: but none of the classes have the word "static" (I don't jnow if I whrote this correctly)

    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 12, 2016
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    You should be able to figure that one out..
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    @Evaluations I think that no ;-;


    EDIT by Moderator: merged posts, please use the edit button instead of double posting.
    Last edited by a moderator: Jun 12, 2016
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    Just saying. If you can't figure that error out, don't you think a mini game is a little advanced?
    Actually, it's more efficient to store a player instead of a UUID because of the conversions. As lon as you clean up when needed you won't have any memory leaks.
    Either that or store a WeakReference.
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    What's all this talk about "efficiency?" Is there any reasonable usage case where the difference between using a reference and doing a lookup over 100 items matters in Bukkit? No, didn't think so. Nobody on these forum even thinks to clean up after themselves, that's why.
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    Even if you stored a UUID instead you'd still want to clean up, otherwise you're going to have useless Onjects hanging around. And yes, efficiency, why make the plugin convert say, 100 players to UUIDs and store that instead of saving the processing power to just store the Player? Much simpler.
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    You still haven't shown me where it actually makes a difference, ever. The processing power it takes is so far beyond insignificant it's a moot point.

    Because, leaving a small data Object hanging around is no big deal, whereas keeping an entire world loaded because nobody on the Bukkit forums is smart enough to remove the Player object is a pretty significant performance hit. Especially when they can't figure out what the "static" modifier does.

    I do it in my own plugins as well, because with the amount of data structures I have, I'm certain to lose track of a Player somewhere. It's just a precautionary measure that doesn't really make a difference.
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    ... I reamake all my arena system with the object arena rather than the string arena, and it works, I just used the HashMap<Player, Arena> to get the actually player arena and check if the player is in an arena. Thanks everybody
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