Virtual Inventory

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by AppleMC, Jul 7, 2015.

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        Inventory inventory;
        Player owner;
        String name;
        public VirtualInventory(Player p, String name) {
            this.inventory = Bukkit.createInventory(p, 27, name);
            this.owner = p;
   = name;
        public Inventory getInventory() {
            return this.inventory;
        public Player getOwner() {
            return this.owner;
        public String getName() {
        public VirtualInventory createInventory(Player p, String name) {
            VirtualInventory vi = new VirtualInventory(p, name);
            return vi;
        HashMap<Player, VirtualInventory> inventories = new HashMap<Player, VirtualInventory>();
        public void saveInventory(Player p, VirtualInventory vi) {
            inventories.put(p, vi);
    This is my current code that I have in my VirtualInventory class, but I'm wondering how to check if a player already has a virtual inventory? How would I go about checking if the player is in the hashmap? (I don't have much experience with hashmaps).
  2. Offline


    Use player#getInventory() to compare, perhaps?
  3. Just check if the key is already in the map
    Map<UUID, VirtualInventory> inventorys = new HashMap<>();
    public boolean exist(UUID uuid) {
       return invetorys.containsKey(uuid);
    //But if you are going to do something like this :
    if(exist(uuid)) {
       VirtualInventory vi = inventorys.get(uuid); 
    //You can just do this
    VirtualIventory vi = iventorys.get(uuid);
    if(vi != null) {
  4. Offline


    You can check if the hashmap contains the key using map.containsKey
  5. Just a quick tip:
    This will cause memory leaks, replace Player owner with String owner, to set it use p.getName(); and to get it use
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