Question Bukkit Name Change?

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by miniminer79, Jul 5, 2015.

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  1. Offline


    Hello, Bukkit Staff.

    Is it possible that you change my name to: TrendNootz? That's my usual name that people refer to me by now. It would be better if you could change it to that, thanks!
  2. Offline


    Please PM a member of Curse Staff for this to request a name change.
  3. Offline


    When you guys get the chance to change it, please do.
  4. @miniminer79 Did you not read our messages? We can't change it and

  5. Offline


    I'd be interested to hear what exactly is broken by a name change. There's a reason most tables reference users using their user_id.

    *************************** 1. row ***************************
      Field: user_id
      Type: int(10) unsigned
      Null: NO
      Key: PRI
      Default: NULL
      Extra: auto_increment
    There's also a bunch of code in theXenForo User DataWriter designed to handle content updates when a name is changed (if enabled in the settings):

    // handle username change updates
    if ($this->isChanged('username') && XenForo_Application::get('options')->updateContentOnUsernameChange)
    $this->_getUserModel()->changeContentUser($userId$this->get('username'), $this->getExisting('username'));
    See also \XenForo_Model_User::changeContentUser and \XenForo_Model_User::$userContentChanges. I'd hope that if a bug was found with this process, the XenForo team would be made aware.
  6. @lol768 Unfortunately, I can't give you any info on what is broken all I know is something breaks when they change names.

    EDIT: Just re-read the PM, they said it broke some account functionality.
  7. Offline


    Yeah, more of a question for Curse to answer (assuming they ever look at this site anymore :p). Thanks for checking the PM, though.
  8. Offline


    lol It's kinda like Minecraft name changes because it can mess with plugins that don't have UUID support xD
  9. Offline


    If I change your name, your password gets wiped, and the password reset doesn't work. So until that's fixed, no name changes.
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