Solved Essentials warp error

Discussion in 'Bukkit Help' started by jewelsy15, Jun 17, 2015.

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  1. I created this in pex:
    prefix: (&aVIP&r)
    - free
    - essentials.warp
    - essentials.warp.list
    but people bellow the rank can use /warp. help!!!
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2015
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    it's "prefix: '&aVIP&r'"
  4. Last edited: Jun 18, 2015
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    @DarkDriftFTW is right, sorta xP He forgot to put in your brackets in the example.

    prefix: (&aVIP&r)

    should be

    prefix: '(&aVIP&r)'

    You need to do this for all of your prefixes.
  6. Okay thanks@DarkDriftFTW but I still don't know how to do the warps @oceantheskatr
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    because the ranks you have below vip have the warp permission set - which is why you've been asked to show your entire permission file, to point out exactly where/why
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    heh, sorry didn't see that part, a bit early in the morning still..

    You have only one player who can test if they have the warp command or not - jewelsys All other players have permissions from their ranks. And if you're changing your own rank to 'test' , are you sure you're not opped

    Also, your inmate rank is the default rank, with modifyworld.*
    Just delete modifyworld.jar since NO account is supposed to have its actions blocked, no point doing hundreds of started/aborted checks each second.
  9. i tried it and it worked thanks but here is the question how will people be able to place all items when they are deoped @Boomer
    Last edited: Jun 20, 2015
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    if you provide the correct permissions yes
    give the lowest rank permissions for everything they need , add permissions at each rank for what that rank (and higher) will need.

    Oh .. "how will" .. that tells me that you might have other plugins like modifyworld.jar (ie, essentialsantibuild.jar) that prevent placing blocks/breaking without permission - if you want the defaults to have that, remove that jar.
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