Solved Help with string separation

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by SrNicks_, Jun 5, 2015.

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    How can I do to separate the part of the message, and the numeric part in the same message?

    /command SrNick banned for offence 20

        String msg = "";
                for (int i = 1; i < args.length; i++) {
                    msg = msg + args[i] + " ";
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    try Interger.parseint(args[i);
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    How do I get only this number, and soon after it removes the message?
  4. parse the int of the arg index.
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    Either change how its formatted: /ban Gamecube762 20 Running round in circles while playing the banjo!

    or loop through all the args while trying to parse each one as an Integer and catching the NumberFormatException:
    for (String : args) do
    try{i = Integer.parseInt(string)}
    Catch(NumberFormatException){//Oh no! this arg wasn't a number! Lets try the next one!}
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    @SrNicks_ I'd agree with @Gamecube762 on this one. I would change the format of the command so the integer is in the second position, and the message is on the end. It will make it easier. You would then use
    int time = Integer.parseInt( args[1] );
    But then again I would do a Try/Catch like above in-case the user doesn't enter a number, but instead a String.
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    Just get the arguments 1 through the array length - 2 for the message. Then the last value of the array for the number string for you to parse.
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    You can always find a edged to remove all non numeric values but that will only work if there is just one number in the string else it will merge them.
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    @SrNicks_ "it", there are two "it"s.

    For reformatting, all you have to do is tell everyone to type it as /ban <name> <time> <reason>. In your code, you would use args[0] for the name, arg[1] as the time, and arg[2] for the reason.

    For grabbing the integer:
    String = "20"
    int = 0
    try {i = Integer.parseInt(string) }
    catch (NumberFormatException) { sender.sendMessage(int Is not a number!!)}
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