Random TP

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by killerzz1, Jun 6, 2015.

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    I am working on a plugin right now and i need to add a random Tp part to the plugin but i do not know how to do this.

    I need it to randomly tp the player (Not on water or in the sky/blocks)

    How would i do this?

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    I have a random TP but it is not really working properly as it is TPint the players but it is sending the players around the same distance
  3. @killerzz1 Can we see the code you have so far?
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    public static void tp(Player p){
             Location originalLocation = p.getLocation();
             Random random = new Random();
             Location teleportLocation = null;
             int x = random.nextInt(50) + -50;
             int y1 = 150;
             int z = random.nextInt(50)+ -50;
             teleportLocation = new Location(p.getWorld(), x, y1, z);
             boolean isOnLand = false;
             while (isOnLand == false) {
                 teleportLocation = new Location(p.getWorld(), x, y1, z);
                 if (teleportLocation.getBlock().getType() != Material.AIR ) {
                         isOnLand = true;
                 } else y1--;
        p.teleport(new Location(p.getWorld(), teleportLocation.getX(), teleportLocation.getY() + 1, teleportLocation.getZ()));
        p.sendMessage(ChatColor.GREEN + "You have been teleported " + (int)teleportLocation.distance(originalLocation) + " blocks away!");
  5. @killerzz1 Your code doesn't allow for a wide range of X or Z co-ordinates.
  6. Offline


    Okay, so could you help me as i am kinda new to bukkit :D
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    Your random will only teleport the player from -50 to 49. Please set the random to the size you want plus one, which will then teleport the player from -50 to 50.
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