Pay to open Iron Door's

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by mrbell11, May 30, 2015.

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    Plugin category: Fun (I'm not entirely sure)

    Suggested name: IronDoorPay

    What I want: I'd like to see something like Payment door's. I would like to be able to config the prefix though and also just make it so you have to pay money from vault to open it. I wanted to know if their was any way that I could connect it with mob arena and make the door's that were open close after the game has ended if not that is fine. The only reason I do not like payment door's is it seems to not work with vault and that is what I am trying to use. I do not like the way Turnstiles works either. Also I do not like having to type /doors to enable to plugin please get rid of that I really do not need any commands maby 1 to show you the sign format and that is it.

    Ideas for commands: Hopefully no commands needed.

    Ideas for permissions: No permissions, Just make it so everyone can use the signs and op's can create the signs. Simple
    When I'd like it by: Hopefully a day or 2
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    @mrbell11 I would be able to make this plugin, give me a few hours!
    mrbell11 likes this.
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    Cool thank you very much just tell me when you have finished it :)

    Also I just noticed that you made hot potato. I used to use that plugin you did a very good job at that plugin so I know this one will turn out great.

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    Last edited by a moderator: May 31, 2015
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