
Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by cascas7129, May 4, 2015.

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    Plugin category: Other

    Suggested name: AdvancedChests

    What I want: I'd like a plugin where upon issuing a command, it spawns an chest So like it looks like it's open (the lid is open) and theres no way for it to be closed. This doesnt happen to all chests though, only the ones you spawn in with a special command. So you do /advancedchest and it gives you a special chest in your inventory that is always open when placed down. Also, these chests dont have inventorys, instead you can give it a custom command that is issued when you right click the chest. And if someone breaks it in survival mode or something, the chest is still open when it reappears.

    Ideas for commands: /advancedchest <command> (the command is what happens when someone right clicks the advanced chest) - this spawns a chest in the command issuers first free slot. The command entered is binded to that specific item. So you can spawn different AdvancedChests with different commands binded to them. Example command: /advancedchests gamemode c - no slash is to be entered before the command, just the command itself.

    Message upon spawning: You spawned an Advanced Chest with the command: (command)!

    Ideas for permissions: advchests.use - allows use of the special chests. advchests.admin - allows spawning of the chests and use of them.

    When I'd like it by: If possible, ASAP.

    Side note: if you're wondering what I need this for, It's a visual effect I need for my server crates :)
    Last edited: May 5, 2015
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    Look's nice. I don't have time to code it though. Hope someone does it for you.
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