Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by Sfap, May 4, 2015.

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  1. Offline


    Hi, this is a mod, but maybe it is imposible to make like a plugin? It so, I'd like to know the code.

  2. @Sfap Yeah this is impossible to do with a plugin.
  3. Offline


    Can you help for me? I want to create this board and in the inside it the information about the player. (Sorry for language newbie on English)
  4. @Sfap You can use inventory's but you can't make a green box and have a title like that.
  5. Offline


    With the player information and more?
  6. @Sfap With anything you want.
  7. Offline


    Can you post the code of example? Of course if you can.
  8. @Sfap
    Inventory inv = Bukkit.createInventory(Stuff);
    inv.setItem(Slot, An ItemStack);
  9. Offline


    Oh with this, but with other way example like I write /info then it brings up the board like scoreboard to the corner and in there writes the info about the player: kills, name, health and much more... It can be reposition something like in middle? It can be imposible or not?
  10. @Sfap You can do a scoreboard at the side, you can't put it into the middle.
  11. Offline


    Okey thanks for the answers. Last question can you give me the code of the scoreboard with be on the top side?
  12. Offline


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  14. Offline


    @Sfap You can use StainedGlass with a Durability of 0-13 to get a that look.
  15. Offline


    And remember while creating gui The number of slots should be multiple/divisible of 9
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