EchoPet Bug Fix

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by rangewonk, Mar 14, 2015.

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    Hello, EchoPet is a plugin A plugin which allows players to have pets. Some of my players have the ability to ride their pets, though there is a glitch where some pets, when you dismount them you can glitch through doors and some walls.

    I have reported this to the dev but he is no longer interested in the plugin and will only update big issues.

    I was told there is a way to make players auto-dismount / not able to ride their pets if in claimed faction land.
    But I was also told I would have to code this myself.

    Would someone be able to create a patch which would make it so pets automatically dismount and can't mount your pets when entering claimed faction land. (If possibly, allow players to ride their pets in their own claimed land.)

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    "not interested" isn't quite true. I devote my time where I can and at the moment it doesn't lie extensively with Bukkit.

    Correct; it's impractical for me to add implement things like this, otherwise I would be end up 'supporting' an unsustainably large list of plugins for a fairly small feature set. That's more what the API is designed for.

    EchoPet also provides in-built WorldGuard support, which can be used to achieve similar preventative functionality. Using the configuration file, pets can be disabled in certain regions and enabled in others.

    Hopefully that clears up a few things.
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