JSon Chat message to normal String

Discussion in 'Plugin Development' started by rickydaan, Feb 27, 2015.

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    Here's the problem. I need to convert a JSon Chat message (Example: {"extra":[{"color":"yellow","
    text":"rickydaan joined the game"}],"text":""}) to a String (Example: &erickydaan joined the game)

    I believe (Not sure) that there's a simple solution to do this, but I am not sure, and I am in need of this function soon! Did some researching, couldn't find it on google. Sorry if it is solved somewhere else!

    Kind regards,
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    Why does it need to be converted. Why not use a JSON free message instead of one with JSON?! And more information is needed to help in a perfect way
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    @tomudding I am working on a filter using ProtocolLib. The outgoing chat is already encoded in JSon. I believe I can also iterate over the strings and filter the "text" fields only, that'd save performance rather than encoding and decoding the whole string
    tomudding likes this.
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