Filled Extended Enderchest

Discussion in 'Plugin Requests' started by Ward1246, Feb 2, 2015.

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    What i would like is just simply a plugin for 1.7.9 that makes a extended Enderchest, i don't need a config for how big it is, i would like the Enderchest to have 6 rows (54 slots). I would also like the Enderchest to NOT be open able by other players (So basicly like a normal Enderchest, if using command it's like a secret chest that is yours and yours alone), even ops. That's why i haven't used the other plugins.

    It doesn't have to be a extended Enderchest, i would like for there to be a command to open it, like /Enderchest or /Chest maybe. It could be a chest if it must (Whatever you want to do, less work to do less time you spend on it). This could go under utilities, i am not sure what categories there are. I don't want permissions so i wouldn't bother with it, if you wanted to it could be something like use.Enderchest. I would hope this would be fairly simple so i would ask for it ASAP. Thank you for reading and possibly even filling this post. (If i get a link i will tell if it goes under what i want, i'm not really picky about it)
    Last edited: Feb 2, 2015
  2. Offline


    This kind of thread already exits here , try to not double posts the same plugin request that others have done. If you just want a chest that can't open by others, try out Lockette. And please mark this thread as filled ASAP.

    Sorry if I missunderstood what are you trying to say.
  3. Offline


    I will wait a bit, Lockette isn't exactly what i was going for, and that other thread seems to have died. Died as in not containing the proper amount of information to get posts that would fill what is wanted.
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  7. Offline


    If the above plugin doesn't fit your needs, feel free to notify me, and I'll make this for you.
  8. Offline


    Sorry for a bit of inactivity, but Enderchestplus worked wonderfully! I had downloaded it once, but i guess it didn't do anything, i must have gotten the wrong version. I can't open any ones Enderchest and they can't open mine, so thank you for that!Unless i find something wrong

    EDIT: Yeah i can't use this, items that used to be in the Enderchest will now have to be on me, if you are still willing i would like the plugin you were gonna make.

    @htmlman1 i found a problem, the enderchest in that plugin does not store 'edited items' (Edited items as in items that were customized needing a mod, in this case i had diamond armor with attack damage modifier and it goes away in the chest, this is because a config file records what is in it) It does mess some things up, I suppose you wouldn't want to do this if so, that's ok i guess i just won't be able to store certain items. If you are willing i would love for this to be fixed, i wanted the plugin for that mainly.
    Last edited: Feb 6, 2015
  9. Offline


    I got started on another project during this time, so I'll look into this when I'm done with that. Sorry for the delay, though.
  10. Offline


    That's ok, take your time i can wait.
  11. Offline


    I'm able to start work on your plugin now :) I'll get working on it right now.
  12. Offline


    Thank you!
    Last edited: Feb 14, 2015
  13. Offline


    Hope you don't mind me asking, what is the status of the plugin?
  14. Offline


    I'm sorry for the delay; an emergency came up midway and I had to stop development. I've finished most of the plugin at the moment, I just need to fix some bugs with item storage.
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    Ward1246 likes this.
  16. Offline


    Thanks for making it! It has a bug though: The items data is lost again. I am thinking that this will always happen no matter what plugin. Like before the custom items lose what data they had. Still, if it can't be fixed i will still use it.

    Edit: That could use more detail. Here is what is happening: I have (for example) a pair of diamond boots with a enchant that is not able to be obtained through vanilla minecraft. It has protection level 32767 and has the attribute speed. When i put it in the enderchest, close the enderchest when i come back all the enchantments are gone. Like i said i am very glad to have it so i can try to use anyway if you can't fix this, the same thing happened with enderchest plus and i seem to think it's because the items are saved by the text file.
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2015
  17. Offline


    @htmlman1 to solve look up some old threads on encrypting chests to files, stores enchants easier
  18. Offline


    Yeah, sorry - I don't think that Minecraft can keep that data through means of vanilla. The best I can do is store lore/enchants :/
  19. Offline

    timtower Administrator Administrator Moderator

  20. Offline


    True, but I'm not quite sure which kind of data is being referred to here - I've already attempted to store every form of data that Bukkit allows me to about the ItemStack object, though Ward1246 is referring to a set of boots with an attribute of "Speed". I'm not sure if this is simply a line within the item's lore or an addition created through a mod.
  21. Offline


    That is made through a mod, yes. I used a mod that allows me to edit all data of items, while still allowing it in vanilla minecraft. It is not lore, when you hold the boots or wear them it does give you speed. While using the normal enderchest to hold these items will work, but i am certian because it uses a file to save the items, it will not work. I will still use the plugin though, i will have to store other items.
    Wanted to say three more things, first thanks again, second it's not your fault, other than that the plugin is perfect. It's like enderchest plus, it did the same, and finaly custom potions with lets say slowness with potency 135 for 1000 seconds, gets set to a default potion. None of this matters still i am happy with it.
    Last edited: Feb 19, 2015
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